vog / wwan-helper

wwan-helper is a script that establishes a UMTS connection using a Ericsson F3507g Mobile Broadband Module. It was designed to be used with a ThinkPad T420s.
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Pull configuration data from /e/n/i #2

Closed madduck closed 7 years ago

madduck commented 7 years ago

[This pull request includes the "multicard" branch, as it's based on multicard]

Instead of a new configuration file, pull in the data from /etc/network/interfaces, which allows the use of stanzas, e.g.:

iface wwan-de-vodafone inet dhcp
  wwan-apn web.vodafone.de
  wwan-pin 1234
  wwan-retries 1
  wwan-verbose 0

and then the interface can be brought up with ifup wwan0=wwan-de-vodafone. The benefit of this approach is that different SIM cards can be given a stanza each. See interfaces(8) for more information.

The downside here is that the PIN is stored in /etc/network/interfaces, but there's no reason this file should be world-readable.

Please note that the documentation has not yet been updated.