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Machine learning/AI/Prob research and resources #46

Open tauoverpi opened 4 years ago

tauoverpi commented 4 years ago

Consider the following resources for machine learning, probability, and classic AI

tagged machine learning

Wheel/Rail Adhesion State Identification of Heavy-Haul Locomotive Based on Particle Swarm Optimization and Kernel Extreme Learning Machine Baselines and Bigrams: Simple, Good Sentiment and Topic Classification Bayesian Methods for Support Vector Machines: Evidence and Predictive Class Probabilities Deep Learning: A Critical Appraisal ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE 2E Multi label Image Classification Finite and Infinite Machines by Marvin Minsky Generalized Convolution and Efficient Language Recognition A Critical Review of Recurrent Neural Networks for Sequence Learning A JIT Compiler for Neural Network Inference Programming with a Differentiable Forth Interpreter Graph Neural Networks: A Review of Methods and Applications Machine Learning Classification over Encrypted Data

tagged markov process

Pairwise Markov Chain: A Task Scheduling General state space Markov chains and MCMC algorithms* Markov Chains and Markov Chain Monte Carlo Genetic algorithms and Markov Chain Monte Carlo: Differential Evolution Markov Chain makes Bayesian computing easy Discrete-time Markov Chains and Applications to Population Genetics Markov Chain Models of Genetic Algorithms Efficient Markov Chain Monte Carlo Methods for Global Illumination Algorithms Efficient Synthesis of Probabilistic Programs On Prediction Using Variable Order Markov Models Data Compression Using Dynamic Markov Modelling Markov Chains - A visual explanation Decrypting Classical Cipher Text Using Markov Chain Monte Carlo

tagged simulation

Characteristics of Pattern Formation and Evolution in Approximations of Physarum

tagged physics

Simulation of Clothing with Folds and Wrinkles

tauoverpi commented 4 years ago

yet to be tagged

https://ncase.me/ https://intelligence.org/files/ProblemsSelfReference.pdf https://intelligence.org/files/DefinabilityTruthDraft.pdf https://intelligence.org/files/ProcrastinationParadox.pdf https://intelligence.org/files/VingeanReflection.pdf https://ict.usc.edu/pubs/Logical%20Prior%20Probability.pdf https://intelligence.org/files/Non-Omniscience.pdf https://arxiv.org/pdf/1209.2620.pdf http://lukemuehlhauser.com/wp-content/uploads/Gaifman-Concerning-measures-in-first-order-calculi.pdf https://intelligence.org/files/QuestionsLogicalUncertainty.pdf https://arxiv.org/pdf/1401.5577.pdf https://intelligence.org/files/UDTSearchOrder.pdf https://intelligence.org/files/OntologicalCrises.pdf https://intelligence.org/files/RealisticWorldModels.pdf https://www.nickbostrom.com/superintelligentwill.pdf

cvoges12 commented 4 years ago

@tauoverpi Didn't think I'd see you here. But yeah, I'll look into each

tauoverpi commented 4 years ago

Characteristics of Pattern Formation and Evolution in Approximations of Physarum

tauoverpi commented 4 years ago

Towards a Physarum learning chip Physarum Learner: a novel structure learning algorithm for Bayesian Networks inspired by Physarum polycephalum