volkertb / autoproxy-maven-plugin

Tired of having to manually edit your Maven proxy settings as you move between corporate networks? Now there's a way to handle it automatically. Introducing the Autoproxy Maven plugin.
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Push plugin to Maven Central Repository #1

Open michael-schnell opened 9 years ago

michael-schnell commented 9 years ago

Great stuff! How about releasing the plugin on Maven Central? You could do it on your own or I can fork the project and release it under my "org.fuin" umbrella. I think your project deserves more attention and an easier usage.

volkertb commented 9 years ago

Hi! Thanks for the feedback! I'm sorry it took this long for you to receive a response. I hadn't received any feedback for months. That and being busy at work resulted in this project falling on the wayside a bit. I've been planning to publish the project to the Central Maven Repository, but I wasn't sure if it was ready yet quality-wise.

Thank you for your kind words, and also for your first bug report at https://github.com/volkertb/autoproxy-maven-plugin/issues/2 :+1:

I'll try to fix that bug, do a little test and then I'll publish it to Maven Central.

Of course, if you prefer not to wait, you are completely free to fork the project, as long as you respect the license terms, of cousre. :-) However I'd like to assure you I value your feedback, take bug reports seriously and plan to maintain and cultivate this project.

You are of course also welcome to help out with this project. Would you like me to add you as a collaborator to this project, so you can push fixes and improvements?

Let me know! :-)

volkertb commented 9 years ago

I just added you as a collaborator to this repository. Feel free to push any improvements, as long as you make sure that any code you push has a license that is compatible with both the autoproxy-maven-plugin and proxy-vole licenses. I trust you'll use this power responsibly. :-)

michael-schnell commented 9 years ago

Tnx. I think making it available on Maven Central will make it easier for your users. I also added a feature request for Maven to add autoprxy support: https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/MNG-5879.

volkertb commented 9 years ago

Nice! Thanks for ruffling some feathers among the Maven developers. Also, it's nice to have them made aware that this plugin even exists. :-)

Hopefully my plugin will become redundant some day. Although proxy-vole is more versatile and intelligent in the fact that it supports more methods of proxy detection than PAC files alone. It supports those, but it also attempt automatic detection through WPAD and it falls back to the HTTP_PROXY and HTTPS_PROXY environment variables if those are set. Also, different proxy detection strategies can be selected or even custom-defined within proxy-vole. I reckon it is a much better proxy detection tool than HttpClient will ever be.

Speaking of proxy-vole, I've had an email correspondence with Bernd Rosstauscher, the author of proxy-vole. I believe he is a fellow countryman of yours, is he not? :-) Anyway, I'm glad to say he approves of my use of proxy-vole in the autoproxy-maven-plugin, and he intends to eventually publish proxy-vole to Maven Central as well.

Although I preferred to wait for proxy-vole to appear on Maven Central first and then having it as a transitive dependency for this plugin, I guess I can publish a version of the plugin with proxy-vole bundled through a local repository for the time being, as it is configured right now in the code base. I just realized there is one more potential bug (related to your NPE bug report) that I may need to fix. Once I've successfully tested that, I'll publish the plugin to Maven Central, hopefully this weekend.

Should you have some precious spare time left (and the necessary willingness to go along with it, of course ;-) ), I'd appreciate any help in testing the plugin before I release version 1.0 and push in to Maven Central.

How has the plugin performed in your workflows so far? Or is it not yet usable for you? If so, what still needs to be added or improved, apart from publishing it to Maven Central?

Thanks again for your feedback! :-)

leslyarun commented 8 years ago

Is it released in Central repo ? @volkertb

volkertb commented 8 years ago

@leslyarun @michael-schnell As much as I would like to push this to Maven Central, some more local testing revealed that the plugin is not yet functioning properly. I wash pretty sure it was changing the right settings at run-time, but those dynamic overrides of the settings are apparently not yet picked up when Mavena actually tries to download something. I haven't had much time to look into this lately, but I just can't push something to a public repository if it isn't even working yet. Some help would would really be appreciated! Thanks. :-)