vongon / Midi-Preset-Box

An Arduino based MIDI Preset Box to the increase flexibility of the audio effect pedal, MOOG MF-104m Super Delay.
MIT License
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More advice for another beginner ... #4

Open mfmckinney opened 6 years ago

mfmckinney commented 6 years ago


First, I want to say that this is extremely cool. I'd like to clone your design and use your code to control a Cluster Flux 108M. I'm new to Arduino so climbing the steep learning curve right now ... I have a few questions:

  1. Any chance you could sketch some of the wiring (especially the midi jack)?
  2. Why are most of the parameters in MF104.cpp commented out?
  3. What's happening in your demo video when you're pressing both green buttons at once? I.e., what's that function?
  4. I'm assuming the presets are written to EEPROM and thus saved after powering down and then back up?
  5. Is there a proper/safe way to power down an Arduino board or is it safe to simply cut the power?

Again, this is really awesome. I was hunting around for a simple controller for the Cluster Flux and this is really perfect. Thank you!


vongon commented 6 years ago


Thanks for the interest. I am working on a commercial product and diy kit for this controller right now. I'll definitely let you know once that is ready! Would you mind describing your use case? I'm always curious how people use them : ~)

  1. This tutorial should give you everything you need: https://www.arduino.cc/en/Tutorial/Midi
  2. That looks like a mistake! I'll fix that, sorry.
  3. I think I'm changing "bank" of the presets, I ended up removing this feature because it's too confusing.
  4. Yes, storing data in EEPROM so that the setting persist after power down and back up.
  5. Unplugging the arduino is safe, nothing to worry about there.

Let me know if you have more questions

mfmckinney commented 6 years ago

Thanks. I wanted a simple way to send midi control change messages to a Moogerfooger Clusterflux effects pedal. The pedal settings can be set through MIDI control changes (and the delay on a feedback circuit can be set via MIDI notes so you can play it like an analog synth - it's very cool! ) I ended up using Open Sound Control and the TouchOSC app, designed an interface for the midi messages I wanted to send. It does what I need for now but I may still build this box in the future - would be nice to have a simple box on the pedal board instead of using my phone/app.