Closed cwb124 closed 5 years ago
FYI - we are looking at this right now. We needed to work on a fix for certificate names first (thanks to HeartBleed for pointing out that we cannot update a certificate to that of the same friendly name)
$processmodelusername = 'mydomain\username',
$processmodelpassword = 'mypassword',
$processmodelidentityType = '3',
$managed_pipeline_mode = 'Integrated',
exec { "processmodelusername-${app_pool_name}" :
command => "${iis::param::powershell::command} -Command \"Import-Module WebAdministration; Set-ItemProperty \\\"IIS:\\AppPools\\${app_pool_name}\\\" processmodel.username ${processmodelusername}\"",
path => "${iis::param::powershell::path};${::path}",
onlyif => "${iis::param::powershell::command} -Command \"Import-Module WebAdministration; if((Get-ItemProperty \\\"IIS:\\AppPools\\${app_pool_name}\\\" processmodel.username).Value.CompareTo('${processmodelusername}') -eq 0) { exit 1 } else { exit 0 }\"",
require => Exec["processmodelidentityType-${app_pool_name}"],
logoutput => true,
notify => Exec ["processmodelpassword-${app_pool_name}"]
#custom code
exec { "processmodelpassword-${app_pool_name}" :
command => "${iis::param::powershell::command} -Command \"Import-Module WebAdministration; Set-ItemProperty \\\"IIS:\\AppPools\\${app_pool_name}\\\" processmodel.password ${processmodelpassword}\"",
path => "${iis::param::powershell::path};${::path}",
# onlyif => "${iis::param::powershell::command} -Command \"Import-Module WebAdministration; if((Get-ItemProperty \\\"IIS:\\AppPools\\${app_pool_name}\\\" processmodel.password).Value.CompareTo('${processmodelpassword}') -eq 0) { exit 1 } else { exit 0 }\"",
require => Exec["processmodelusername-${app_pool_name}"],
refreshonly => true,
logoutput => true,
#custom code
exec { "processmodelidentityType-${app_pool_name}" :
command => "${iis::param::powershell::command} -Command \"Import-Module WebAdministration; Set-ItemProperty \\\"IIS:\\AppPools\\${app_pool_name}\\\" processmodel.identityType ${processmodelidentityType}\"",
path => "${iis::param::powershell::path};${::path}",
onlyif => "${iis::param::powershell::command} -Command \"Import-Module WebAdministration; if((Get-ItemProperty \\\"IIS:\\AppPools\\${app_pool_name}\\\" processmodel.identityType.Value) -Match ${processmodelidentityType}) { exit 1 } else { exit 0 }\"",
require => Exec["Create-${app_pool_name}"],
logoutput => true,
iis::manage_app_pool {'':
enable_32_bit => true,
managed_runtime_version => 'v4.0', }
processmodelidentityType => '3', #3 =SpecificUser
processmodelusername => 'domain\username',
processmodelpassword => 'mypassword'
Was curious if this was declined as a feature or just blocked by resource availability?
@cstockton we were just speaking about putting some dev cycles into this module soon. We promise we will look at this issue first
That is awesome to hear thanks a lot for the quick reply, you guys are doing great work here.
Any updates on this?
$processmodelusername = 'user'
$processmodelpassword = 'password'
$processmodelidentityType = '3'
exec { "processmodelusername-${app_pool_name}" :
command => "Import-Module WebAdministration; \$Pool = Get-Item IIS:\\AppPools\\${app_pool_name}; \$Pool.processModel.userName = \"${processmodelusername}\"; \$Pool | Set-Item",
provider => powershell,
require => Exec["processmodelidentityType-${app_pool_name}"],
logoutput => true,
notify => Exec ["processmodelpassword-${app_pool_name}"]
exec { "processmodelpassword-${app_pool_name}" :
command => "Import-Module WebAdministration; Set-ItemProperty \"IIS:\\AppPools\\${app_pool_name}\" processmodel.password ${processmodelpassword}",
provider => powershell,
require => Exec["processmodelusername-${app_pool_name}"],
refreshonly => true,
logoutput => true,
exec { "processmodelidentityType-${app_pool_name}" :
command => "Import-Module WebAdministration; Set-ItemProperty \"IIS:\\AppPools\\${app_pool_name}\" processmodel.identityType ${processmodelidentityType}",
provider => powershell,
require => Exec["Create-${app_pool_name}"],
logoutput => true,
# set iis app pool identity to whatever
# identitytype -
# 0 - localsystem
# 1 - localservice
# 2 - networkservice
# 3 - specificuser
# 4 - applicationpoolidentity
define iis_setapppoolidentity::setapppoolidentity (
$apppool = $title,
$identitytype = '4',
$username = '',
$userpw = '',
$ensure = 'present') {
validate_re($identitytype, ['^(0|1|2|3|4)$'], 'identitytype must be one of \'0\', \'1\',\'2\',\'3\',\'4\'')
validate_re($ensure, '^(present|set|default|absent)$', 'ensure must be one of \'present\', \'set\', \'absent\', \'default\'')
case $identitytype {
'0' : { $identitystring = 'LocalSystem' }
'1' : { $identitystring = 'LocalService' }
'2' : { $identitystring = 'NetworkService' }
'3' : { $identitystring = 'SpecificUser' }
'4' : { $identitystring = 'ApplicationPoolIdentity' }
default : { $identitystring = 'ApplicationPoolIdentity' }
if ($ensure in [
'set']) {
if ($identitytype == '3') {
exec { "set app pool identitytype - ${apppool} - SPECIFICUSER - ${username}":
command => "[void] [System.Reflection.Assembly]::LoadWithPartialName(\"Microsoft.Web.Administration\");\$iis = New-Object Microsoft.Web.Administration.ServerManager;iis:;\$pool = get-item IIS:\\AppPools\\${apppool};\$pool.processModel.username = \"${username}\";\$pool.processModel.password = \"${userpw}\";\$pool.processModel.identityType = ${identitytype};\$pool | set-item;",
provider => powershell,
unless => "[void] [System.Reflection.Assembly]::LoadWithPartialName(\"Microsoft.Web.Administration\");\$iis = New-Object Microsoft.Web.Administration.ServerManager;iis:;\$pool = get-item IIS:\\AppPools\\${apppool};if(\$pool.processModel.identityType -ne \"${identitystring}\"){exit 1;}if(\$pool.processModel.userName -ne ${username}){exit 1;}if(\$pool.processModel.password -ne ${userpw}){exit 1;}exit 0;",
logoutput => true,
} else {
exec { "set app pool identitytype - ${apppool}":
command => "[void] [System.Reflection.Assembly]::LoadWithPartialName(\"Microsoft.Web.Administration\");\$iis = New-Object Microsoft.Web.Administration.ServerManager;iis:;\$pool = get-item IIS:\\AppPools\\${apppool};\$pool.processModel.identityType = ${identitytype};\$pool | set-item;",
provider => powershell,
unless => "[void] [System.Reflection.Assembly]::LoadWithPartialName(\"Microsoft.Web.Administration\");\$iis = New-Object Microsoft.Web.Administration.ServerManager;iis:;\$pool = get-item IIS:\\AppPools\\${apppool};if(\$pool.processModel.identityType -eq \"${identitystring}\"){exit 0;}else{exit 1;}",
logoutput => true,
} else { # string validation on others is going to be in the 'absent' category - reset to defaults
exec { "RESET TO DEFAULTS - ${apppool}":
command => "[void] [System.Reflection.Assembly]::LoadWithPartialName(\"Microsoft.Web.Administration\");\$iis = New-Object Microsoft.Web.Administration.ServerManager;iis:;\$pool = get-item IIS:\\AppPools\\${apppool};\$pool.processModel.identityType = ${identitytype};\$pool | set-item;",
provider => powershell,
unless => "[void] [System.Reflection.Assembly]::LoadWithPartialName(\"Microsoft.Web.Administration\");\$iis = New-Object Microsoft.Web.Administration.ServerManager;iis:;\$pool = get-item IIS:\\AppPools\\${apppool};if(\$pool.processModel.identityType -eq \"${identitystring}\"){exit 0;}else{exit 1;}",
logoutput => true,
use ^
# e.g. set app pool to 'network service'
iis_setapppoolidentity::setapppoolidentity { $apppoolname:
identitytype => '2',
require => Iis::Manage_app_pool[$apppoolname],
Hi. I'm going to close this Issue. We deprecated the module and the new version is available here:
It would be great if while creating an application pool, we could define the process model identity (account + password) in the module. Any chance of adding that?