vpenades / SharpGLTF

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add 3d tiles metadata noData and default support #218

Closed bertt closed 2 months ago

bertt commented 5 months ago

adds support for 3D Tiles - Metadata - noData and default

specs see: https://github.com/CesiumGS/3d-tiles/tree/main/specification/Metadata#required-properties-no-data-values-and-default-values

usecase: when a property value is null, the noData value has to be used. In the client when the property value is equal to the noData value, nothing is shown (or the defaultValue is shown when set).

Limit: noData and defaultValues work for array = false types, not for array= true types

Breaking changes:

Non breaking change:

All property type definition methods now have a nullable noData attribute and nullable defaultValue attribute.