vtoubiana / TrackMeNot

An artware browser add-on to protect privacy in web-search. By issuing randomized queries to common search-engines, TrackMeNot obfuscates your search profile(s) and registers your discontent with surreptitious tracking.
GNU General Public License v2.0
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Chrome extension quits working until extension is disabled/enabled #98

Open davecan opened 7 years ago

davecan commented 7 years ago

Log snippet: https://imgur.com/a/rKWq2

The extension just stops working with no explanation. Log shows it searched on 7/9 up until 14:45 then quit. Here is the extension toolbar icon as of right now: https://imgur.com/a/lPrmI (still shows McAfee search from 7/9)

I first noticed this a week or two ago when I found it had stopped working for about three months.

Disabling and re-enabling the extension brings it back to life. Any idea why this is happening?

Platform: Chrome 59.0.3071.115 on Windows 10. Version: 0.10.0 (from the Chrome store)

davecan commented 7 years ago

It happened again last night. Timing coincides with when I put the computer into hibernation. Seems like the extension doesn't "wake up" until I disable and re-enable it. I'll try to keep an eye on it to see if it happens during usage today or only when it hibernates.

davecan commented 7 years ago

Sorry for the spam, but I spent a few minutes with it this morning and it turns out it only works in tab mode on my system. When in stealth mode it stops sending searches. As soon as I switch it to tab mode it starts running searches, and switching back to stealth mode freezes it. Neither the icon nor the logs update when in stealth mode, only in tab mode.

I do know that a few months ago it worked in stealth mode, so not sure when/why it actually changed. Current extension version is 0.10.0 from the Chrome store.