vuejs / composition-api

Composition API plugin for Vue 2
MIT License
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ComponentRenderProxy类型与Vue不兼容,导致Ts编译报错 #978

Closed ZzhPiny closed 1 year ago

ZzhPiny commented 1 year ago

vue: 2.6.14 @vue/composition-api: 1.7.1


node_modules/@vue/composition-api/dist/vue-composition-api.d.ts:158:54 - error TS2344: Type 'ComponentRenderProxy<P, B, D, C, M, Mixin, Extends, Emits, PublicProps, Defaults, MakeDefaultsOptional>' does not satisfy the constraint 'void | Vue'.
  Type 'ComponentRenderProxy<P, B, D, C, M, Mixin, Extends, Emits, PublicProps, Defaults, MakeDefaultsOptional>' is not assignable to type 'Vue'.
    Types of property '$data' are incompatible.
      Type 'D' is not assignable to type 'Record<string, any>'.

158     $emit: ComponentRenderEmitFn<Emits, keyof Emits, ComponentRenderProxy<P, B, D, C, M, Mixin, Extends, Emits, PublicProps, Defaults, MakeDefaultsOptional>>;

    153 D = {}, // return from data()
    This type parameter might need an `extends Record<string, any>` constraint.

Found 1 error.


// vue-composition-api.d.ts


declare type ComponentRenderEmitFn<Options = ObjectEmitsOptions, Event extends keyof Options = keyof Options, T extends Vue$1 | void = void> = EmitFn<Options, Event, T>;


declare type ComponentRenderProxy<P = {}, // props type extracted from props option
  B = {}, // raw bindings returned from setup()
  D = {}, // return from data()
  C extends ComputedOptions = {}, M extends MethodOptions = {}, Mixin = {}, Extends = {}, Emits extends EmitsOptions = {}, PublicProps = P, Defaults = {}, MakeDefaultsOptional extends boolean = false> = {
    $data: D;
    $props: Readonly<MakeDefaultsOptional extends true ? Partial<Defaults> & Omit<P & PublicProps, keyof Defaults> : P & PublicProps>;
    $attrs: Record<string, string>;
    $emit: ComponentRenderEmitFn<Emits, keyof Emits, ComponentRenderProxy<P, B, D, C, M, Mixin, Extends, Emits, PublicProps, Defaults, MakeDefaultsOptional>>;
  } & Readonly<P> & ShallowUnwrapRef<B> & D & M & ExtractComputedReturns<C> & Omit<Vue$1, '$data' | '$props' | '$attrs' | '$emit'>;

// vue.d.ts

export interface Vue {
  readonly $el: Element;
  readonly $options: ComponentOptions<Vue>;
  readonly $parent: Vue;
  readonly $root: Vue;
  readonly $children: Vue[];
  readonly $refs: { [key: string]: Vue | Element | (Vue | Element)[] | undefined };
  readonly $slots: { [key: string]: VNode[] | undefined };
  readonly $scopedSlots: { [key: string]: NormalizedScopedSlot | undefined };
  readonly $isServer: boolean;
  readonly $data: Record<string, any>;
  readonly $props: Record<string, any>;
  readonly $ssrContext: any;
  readonly $vnode: VNode;
  readonly $attrs: Record<string, string>;
  readonly $listeners: Record<string, Function | Function[]>;
lsmtty commented 1 year ago


github-actions[bot] commented 1 year ago

Stale issue message