vyskoczilova / kybernaut-ic-dic

Kybernaut IC DIC (WordPress plugin): Přidá IČO a DIČ do formuláře s fakturační adresou ve WooCommerce a rovnou ověří, jestli jsou zadané hodnoty skutečné.
GNU General Public License v3.0
12 stars 7 forks source link

Use new ARES API #68

Closed lukas-tomoszek closed 11 months ago

lukas-tomoszek commented 11 months ago

Description & Link to The Issue

API operation at https://wwwinfo.mfcr.cz/ares/ was terminated. It is now necessary to use the new API, more information at https://ares.gov.cz/stranky/vyvojar-info.

This PR is probably not perfect or ready for merge, however I don't have time for testing. It just kinda works.

What kind of change does this PR introduce?

Does this PR introduce a breaking change?

vyskoczilova commented 11 months ago

Thanks, Lukas, for the heads-up and initial fix! I've reviewed it, and added some tests, and it's ready to go out. I will add build actions and release the fixed version.

In the near future, I will update this function using a composer library for checking VAT and not using my own code for that any longer.

Best wishes for the new year! Karolina