w0lfschild / NoFavicons

:open_file_folder: MacForge plugin to remove favicons from the bookmark toolbar in Google Chrome
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Resizing #1

Closed eklundchristopher closed 7 years ago

eklundchristopher commented 7 years ago

First of all, allow me to thank you. I was expecting Chrome 51 to be the last of my NoFavicon days (using the version provided by Michael Phines), but alas, here you and your wonderful repositories are. Thank you!

To the issue at hand, every once in a while, the odd bookmark will resize as if it added an invisible favicon (but to the right of the text rather than to the left). I have yet to find a consistent reason for this, but what I know is, it happens on clicking said bookmark. It doesn't seem to matter how long Chrome has been running for.

screen shot 2016-08-04 at 05 07 27

I'm running the latest version of mySIMBL and NoFavicons on OSX 10.11.2. Any help or time you can spend on this would be much appreciated. Albeit not a breaking issue, it would be nice in order to please my OCD ;-)

w0lfschild commented 7 years ago

Yeah this is something I've encountered myself where sometimes when launching chrome a few bookmarks end up having a blank icon space on the left side.

I think it has something to do with the bookmark item trying to update it's image.

I'll look into this at some point but for now opening a new window will have fixed bookmarks.

eklundchristopher commented 7 years ago

Sure thing, just thought I'd bring it to your attention. Thanks!

w0lfschild commented 7 years ago

I've made it so the tweak fixes this without opening a new tab. Still shows up sometimes when opening chrome but should fix itself within a second or two.

eklundchristopher commented 6 years ago

Hi again.

It seems after updating Chrome to version 60 (60.0.3112.78 on Sierra 10.12.5), the spacing is back, however, this time, it seems to be permanent rather than temporary (and across the board).

I've tried uninstalling & re-installing the plugin to no avail.

Thanks again for a great plugin.

w0lfschild commented 6 years ago

Yeah this was annoying the crap out of me so I spent a good chunk of time today and created a solution for Chrome 60+

It has an issue where dragging bookmark buttons around won't show the changes until you open a new window or restart Chrome. Since I don't do that much it's not necessarily something that will get fixed soon or maybe even ever.

The plus side is this seems to be totally consistent and since the spacing is done all manually that allows for things like the ability to edit the code to adjust spacing or make the buttons right aligned or centered.

I'll push out the new build to mySIMBL soon.

screen shot 2017-08-03 at 12 11 51 am
eklundchristopher commented 6 years ago

You're a god among men, my friend.

I don't really move bookmarks around either, so not an issue on my behalf. Thanks for your great work!

eklundchristopher commented 6 years ago

The thorn in your shoe is back, I'm afraid.

Whenever the browser window is downsized and then resized back up, the bookmarks get sent across to the bar to weird positions, get spaced out or cut off.

As per usual, there's no rush and I appreciate the help/effort you've already put into this.

PS. I've noticed it happens more frequently when downsizing the browser and then resizing it using a window manager app such as Magnet.


w0lfschild commented 6 years ago

Luckily as an exclusive Chrome user myself I try to keep this updated. With that said here comes 1.8 which will hopefully be the last one I need to do for a while 🤞.

Haven't tested on older macOS or Chrome yet so hopefully that's working.

This version fixes a slew of issues. The only problem left that I can think of is that the bookmarks get added to the overflow button when there is still space left in the bar, I'm not sure I'll be able to fix that one.

1.8 Changelog:

Should be live on mySIMBL now.

eklundchristopher commented 6 years ago

Thank you, much appreciated as per usual!