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Stages are unaligned with TC39 and WHATWG conceptually #11

Open bvandersloot-mozilla opened 4 days ago

bvandersloot-mozilla commented 4 days ago

There is a current discussion in WHATWG about clarifying what makes Stage 3, and it seems it aligns with TC39. This arose because there was some ambiguity about what constitutes Stage 3. I think we fell victim to that ambiguity.

Specifically, our definition of Stage 3 doesn't match the other two, and is probably what they are trying to more specifically exclude. It is in other contexts, to quote Dom, Stage 3 means "finished, pending editorial nit review---but since multiple implementations haven't happened yet, there's a reasonable chance that we'll discover something is broken, and need to fix the normative content". That reflects more of the consensus we have in Stage 4 in our process.

Would it make sense to align our definitions so that "Stage N" means the same thing everywhere, especially if we hope other CG/WG will pick up our stages?

hlflanagan commented 3 days ago

Discussed on https://github.com/fedidcg/meetings/blob/main/2024/2024-11-26-notes.md. @hlflanagan to propose a change to the WG process to keep us aligned with TC39 and WHATWG.