w3c / EasierRDF

Making RDF easy enough for most developers
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Popular use cases for graph data #49

Open draggett opened 5 years ago

draggett commented 5 years ago

The aim of making RDF easier for the next 33% of developers begs the question of what are the popular application use cases for graph data (as a generalisation of RDF)? Here are some examples taken from graph database vendor websites.

Neo4J: • Recommendation engines for e-commerce • Network and database monitoring • Fraud detection and analytics • Social media and social networks • Knowledge graphs for enhanced search services • Identity and access management • Privacy, risk and compliance • Master data management • Artificial Intelligence and analytics

Amazon Neptune: • Network/IT operations • Social networking • Recommendation engines • Fraud detection • Knowledge graphs • Life sciences

I am sure that this is just a few examples from a much much larger set. How can we reach out and gather information on use cases across different sectors, and the associated challenges facing application developers where new standards would help?

maximveksler commented 5 years ago

Cross linking https://github.com/semantalytics/awesome-semantic-web/issues/32

VladimirAlexiev commented 5 years ago
VladimirAlexiev commented 5 years ago

http://sps.columbia.edu/executive-education/knowledge-graph-conference Storing and Querying Knowledge Graphs Formats and Languages Metadata, Schemas, Ontologies, and Taxonomies Data Governance Data Quality Linked-data Master Data Management Knowledge Graphs for AI Natural Language Processing Understanding Knowledge Graph Embeddings Visualization Search and Answer Engine Optimization Applications in Healthcare, Finance, Media, and Open Data

https://www.eventbrite.com/e/2019-knowledge-graph-conference-tickets-54867900367 Knowlede Graphs everywhere:

izzykayu commented 5 years ago

I would like to learn more about the difference between neo4j and other knowledge graph platforms such as ontotext. I work specifically in clinical natural language processing but leverage various clinical ontologies. hWhat is the difference between the formats and can both provide semantic relationships?

k00ni commented 2 weeks ago

Could you be more precise what you mean with all these use cases?

Many of the given use cases are buzzwords or don't say anything. For instance, "Sensors" is not a use case. At best it describes an area of expertise which contains hardware and software. Or "Network and database monitoring": Does RDF provide network monitoring now?

I might anticipate what you mean with all these terms, but I am looking forward to a more detailed explanation of the terms used.