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Spec test eval case #171

Open jeswr opened 1 year ago

jeswr commented 1 year ago

Would it be possible to have some spec test eval cases that cover this https://github.com/rdfjs/N3.js/issues/342#issue-1639438156

jeswr commented 1 year ago

I'm adding some tests to the N3.js parser test suite (which is rather extensive so it could be good if you want inspiration for additional cases).

william-vw commented 1 year ago

@jeswr Please feel free to suggest a PR with suitable test cases. We rely on volunteer efforts like this :-)

jeswr commented 1 year ago

How curated would you want them to be. In theory I could put together a script that generates a set of ~5000 test cases based on the unit tests for lexing and parsing in N3.js. Is this too much?

william-vw commented 1 year ago

Typically a test case is specific for a certain language feature (such as an "id" only being an IRI). E.g., they are often named for the specific feature they are testing. So, test cases tend to be curated and not generated automatically.