For many languages, it is possible to find enlarged letters (sometimes plus punctuation) at the beginning of a paragraph (like drop caps in English). Here is an example for Adlam:
a. Is this technique used for N'Ko texts? If so, we'd like to ensure that it can be styled correctly by CSS and browsers.
b. If so, does the large letter have a left-joining glyph or isolate glyph? What about the first normal size character that follows it?
c. also if so, are there any special rules about positioning of the enlarged character(s)? Eg. are 'drop caps' more common than 'raised caps', are characters displayed in boxes, where are the characters aligned with the following text? etc.
For many languages, it is possible to find enlarged letters (sometimes plus punctuation) at the beginning of a paragraph (like drop caps in English). Here is an example for Adlam:
a. Is this technique used for N'Ko texts? If so, we'd like to ensure that it can be styled correctly by CSS and browsers.
b. If so, does the large letter have a left-joining glyph or isolate glyph? What about the first normal size character that follows it?
c. also if so, are there any special rules about positioning of the enlarged character(s)? Eg. are 'drop caps' more common than 'raised caps', are characters displayed in boxes, where are the characters aligned with the following text? etc.