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Data Privacy Vocabularies and Controls CG (DPVCG)
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Add Right Non-fulfilment Justifications for GDPR’s rights #63

Open besteves4 opened 1 year ago

besteves4 commented 1 year ago


In the context of the PROTECT project, we defined a list of exemptions to GDPR’s data subject rights. We welcome discussions with experts in law.

The concepts we are proposing to add to DPV are:

coolharsh55 commented 1 year ago

As we discussed in today's meeting (https://www.w3.org/2022/10/19-dpvcg-minutes.html), the concepts would be expressed as justifications for why a right was not fulfilled (RightNonFulfilmentJustification).

The concepts also require their titles to be updated to better indicate what this "justification" is. E.g. "Public Security" should be "Safeguard Public Security". This phrasing can also be interpreted to have Justification utilise some concepts types of Purpose - which means we would need to add Safeguarding Public Security, National Security, and all these to the Purposes list, and also declare them as Justifications for Non-fulfilment of Rights.

coolharsh55 commented 1 year ago

@besteves4 could you please provided an updated version of these concepts based on the meeting discussion?

besteves4 commented 9 months ago

Should we also have fulfilment justifications to ground why a certain right is being exercised by a data subject, e.g., the justifications on GDPR Art. 17.1 and 18.1?

coolharsh55 commented 9 months ago

Good point. We should model that information. I'm not sure whether it should be a justification or a subtype of that right because it sounds odd to have to justify your own right.

coolharsh55 commented 9 months ago

Hi. How about this as the model for information?

dpv:Justification is a concept in DPV. In the Justifications extension, we specialise it for the following types and collect various generic justifications. To support the GDPR extensions, we have generic reasons in Justifications extension, and then extend them in GDPR extension with reference to specific clauses in GDPR. I started collecting justifications with this model in the GDPR extension spreadsheet, starting with Art.12. It isn't complete yet.

Justification A reason or explanation for specified context Extended for Rights
Non-Performance Justification Justification for why the associated process or context was rejected or was decided to not be completed Right Non-fulfilment Justification
Exercise Justification Justification for why the associated process or context is being exercised or initiated Right Exercise Justification
Delay Justification Justification for why the associated process or context is being delayed Right Fulfilment Delay Justification

The below are justifications to reject right exercise requests.

Justification Extend for GDPR
RejectImpossibleToFulfil GDPR Art. 14.5.b
RejectProcessFrivolous GDPR Art. 12.5
RejectIdentityVerificationFailure GDPR Art. 12.2

The below are justifications to delay right exercise fulfilment.

Justification Extend for GDPR
DelayIdentityVerification GDPR Art. 12.1,GDPR Art. 12.6
DelayComplexity GDPR Art. 12.3
DelayInformationRequirement GDPR Art. 12.6

The below are justifications to issue right exercise requests.

Generic Justification Extend for GDPR
Exercise due to Non-Necessity GDPR Art. 17.1
Exercise due to Lack of Further Legality GDPR Art. 17.2
Exercise Objection GDPR Art. 17.3
Exercise due to Unlawful Activity GDPR Art. 17.4
Exercise Legal Obligation GDPR Art. 17.5, 17.6
besteves4 commented 7 months ago

Using the model started above by @coolharsh55, I'm compiling a list of justifications in this webpage and in this spreadsheet. Feedback is welcome on either document.

Next I will also be adding examples of how to model right exercising activities in the webpage.

besteves4 commented 6 months ago

Hi, here are some updates on the rights exercising / justifications work:

Term: A22-3-human-intervention Label: A22-3 Right to obtain human intervention on the part of the controller Description: Right of the data subject to obtain human intervention on the part of the controller Parent: dpv:DataSubjectRight Type: dpv:Right

Term: A22-3-pov Label: A22-3 Right to express data subject's point of view Description: Right of the data subject to express his or her point of view Parent: dpv:DataSubjectRight Type: dpv:Right

Term: A22-3-contest-decision Label: A22-3 Right to contest the decision Description: Right of the data subject to contest the decision Parent: dpv:DataSubjectRight Type: dpv:Right

Term: A78 Label: A78 Right to an effective judicial remedy against a supervisory authority Description: Right to an effective judicial remedy against a legally binding decision of a supervisory authority concerning natural or legal person Parent: dpv:Right Type: dpv:Right

Term: A79 Label: A79 Right to an effective judicial remedy against a controller or processor Description: Right to an effective judicial remedy where the data subject considers that his or her rights have been infringed as a result of the processing of his or her personal data Parent: dpv:DataSubjectRight Type: dpv:Right

coolharsh55 commented 6 months ago

@besteves4 for Art.34-3, can we extend NonPerformanceJustification as NotRequiredJustification and then extend this for the three specific conditions?

I do not think we should get into modelling concepts referring to obligations e.g. A.34-3 can be interpreted as justifications for the obligation not being applicable - as this pulls us into trying to do deontic modelling of GDPR's clauses. Whereas what I think we want to do is more of a stateful representation of why/why-not related to information/processes.

For A22-3-human-intervention - I think this will come under the right to A22 because it is part of that right? There are three rights in A22-3 which can go under A22 as 1 on controller and 2 for data subjects. Following the naming convention on rights being only referred to via clause numbers, we have: A22-3-a human intervention on controller's part, A22-3-b present data subject's pov, and A22-3-c contest decision.

besteves4 commented 6 months ago

Makes sense. I updated the spreadsheet here to accommodate for these changes.

The subtypes of Not Required Justifications are now prefixed with JNotReq-, the subtypes of Right Non-Fulfilment Justifications with JNonFulf-, the subtypes of Right Fulfilment Delay Justifications with JDelay- and the subtypes of Right Exercise Justifications with JExercise- to avoid ambiguity and keep them short(er).

coolharsh55 commented 5 months ago

See https://github.com/w3c/dpv/issues/83#issuecomment-2068059917 for work on justifications. Once that is resolved, the plan is to create links between specific GDPR clauses and justifications similar to legal basis and rights. E.g.

coolharsh55 commented 4 months ago

In addition to rights fulfilment, we should also add justifications associated with data breaches e.g. breach not likely to result in high risk to rights and freedoms of natural personal and therefore no notification to DPA or data subject was needed; or those associated with breach notifications later than 72 hours.