w3c / epub-specs

Shared workspace for EPUB 3 specifications.
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epub:type="toc" restriction #1292

Closed VeryGoodErotica closed 5 years ago

VeryGoodErotica commented 5 years ago

Hi, ePub spec only allows one nav element with epub:type="toc" and I am having trouble understanding why that restriction exists when there is historical precedence (e.g. the pulp magazines common in the 20s to 50s) to have multiple ToC with good reason.

My use case - I'm publishing a magazine. One ToC is called "Submission Fiction" and will contain user submitted stories.

One ToC is called "Thoughts and Prayers" and will contain poetry, essays, book reviews, etc.

One ToC is called "Eye of the Beholder" and will contain short interviews with glamour models along with some glamour photography of the model.

In the spine these are mixed, e.g. a poem and and glamour model interview will come between two stories and the then a book review. This at least was common in magazine publishing, hence the need for separate table of contents that make it easy for a reader looking for a specific item to find them. Example code:

<nav epub:type="toc" id="toc.ero">
<h1>Submission Fiction</h1>
  <li><a href="AndiAliceBirthday.xhtml" class="tocmain">Alice’s Birthday Present</a><ol>
    <li><a href="AndiAliceBirthday.xhtml#E01.Anticipation" class="tocsub">Anticipation</a></li>
    <li><a href="AndiAliceBirthday.xhtml#E01.AliceAndSteve" class="tocsub">Alice and Steve</a><ol>
      <li><a href="AndiAliceBirthday.xhtml#E01.EatingStevesBologna" class="tocsub">Eating Steve’s Bologna</a></li>
      <li><a href="AndiAliceBirthday.xhtml#E01.TheMaidUniform" class="tocsub">The Maid Uniform</a></li>
    <li><a href="AndiAliceBirthday.xhtml#E01.TheNotebook" class="tocsub">The Notebook</a></li>
    <li><a href="AndiAliceBirthday.xhtml#E01.AndisGiftToAlice" class="tocsub">Andi’s Gift to Alice</a><ol>
      <li><a href="AndiAliceBirthday.xhtml#E01.AVisionOfBeauty" class="tocsub">A Vision of Beauty</a></li>
      <li><a href="AndiAliceBirthday.xhtml#E01.SelfControl" class="tocsub">Self Control</a></li>
<nav epub:type="toc" id="toc.ess">
<h1>Thoughts and Prayers</h1>
  <li><a href="OriginSpecies.xhtml" class="tocmain">The Origin Species (poetry)</a></li>
  <li><a href="SubmissiveDevotion.xhtml" class="tocmain">Submissive Devotion</a><ol>
    <li><a href="SubmissiveDevotion.xhtml#ES01.Worship" class="tocsub">Worship</a></li>
    <li><a href="SubmissiveDevotion.xhtml#ES01.Dedication" class="tocsub">Dedication</a></li>
    <li><a href="SubmissiveDevotion.xhtml#ES01.Respect" class="tocsub">Respect</a><ol>
      <li><a href="SubmissiveDevotion.xhtml#ES01.SelfCare" class="tocsub">Self Care</a></li>

If I put both ordered lists into a single nav with their respective headers first, I get validation errors. If I take away the epub:type="toc" from the second nav I get validation error saying the nav must have that attribute.

Looking at the spec - it seems to define additional epub:type definitions that are useful for the academic world, like if you wanted a separate ToC for a list of tables or a list of figures, so why does the spec not allow for use cases like magazine publishing where different tables of contents for different types of content are sometimes used?

I guess I do not understand what problem limiting an ePub to only one epub:type="toc" solves, but the limitation certainly creates problems for ToC styles with historic publishing precedent.

Can we change the spec to allow more than one ToC?

dauwhe commented 5 years ago

A major problem is that reading systems use this information to construct their built-in navigation. I am not aware of any reading system that can display two separate built-in primary navigation structures.

It's totally acceptable to create a nested TOC. The top level could just contain the two headings mentioned above.

mattgarrish commented 5 years ago

The top level could just contain the two headings mentioned above.

But in this case, I think the next problem is that it runs afoul of the all entries must be ordered rule we're discussing... ;)

dauwhe commented 5 years ago

But in this case, I think the next problem is that it runs afoul of the all entries must be ordered rule we're discussing... ;)

Coded as ol/li, of course :)

mattgarrish commented 5 years ago

And sure enough: https://github.com/w3c/publ-epub-revision/issues/1283#issuecomment-525893895

VeryGoodErotica commented 5 years ago

If the purpose is for machine parsing, would an optional separate file for machines to parse be a better solution?

I suppose I could make a single OL and use CSS to display the top order the same way h1 headings are displayed to get the same effect, but that CSS would get pretty complex and lose the simplicity of separate lists in their own nav group with their own heading.

dauwhe commented 5 years ago

If the purpose is for machine parsing, would an optional separate file for machines to parse be a better solution?

We tried that with the NCX file in older versions of EPUB, which was based on an entirely separate XML vocabulary. The nav file was designed to be both human- and machine-readable, hence the content restrictions. Working on some test files right now.

mattgarrish commented 5 years ago

If the purpose is for machine parsing, would an optional separate file for machines to parse be a better solution?

We tried that with the NCX file in older versions of EPUB, which was based on an entirely separate XML vocabulary. The nav file was designed to be both human- and machine-readable, hence the content restrictions.

But if these are only for the content, don't use the navigation file if its rules are too troublesome. You can just put them in a regular content document in the spine. It's only a convenience that the navigation document can be used for both purposes.

You will still have to provide a navigation document with a toc for reading systems, though, as it's part of ensuring feature consistency.

VeryGoodErotica commented 5 years ago

Something like this for readers to use that could be a separate file or part of the .opf but is not intended for display as a page - it could have the spine order requirement.

  <item href="AndiAliceBirthday.xhtml"                         level="article">Alice’s Birthday Present</item>  
  <item href="AndiAliceBirthday.xhtml#E01.Anticipation"        level="section">Anticipation</item>
  <item href="AndiAliceBirthday.xhtml#E01.AliceAndSteve"       level="section">Alice and Steve</item>
  <item href="AndiAliceBirthday.xhtml#E01.EatingStevesBologna" level="subsection">Eating Steve’s Bologna</item>
  <item href="AndiAliceBirthday.xhtml#E01.TheMaidUniform"      level="subsection">The Maid Uniform</item>
  <item href="AndiAliceBirthday.xhtml#E01.TheNotebook"         level="section">The Notebook</item>
  <item href="AndiAliceBirthday.xhtml#E01.AndisGiftToAlice"    level="section">Andi’s Gift to Alice</item>
  <item href="AndiAliceBirthday.xhtml#E01.AVisionOfBeauty"     level="subsection">A Vision of Beauty</item>
  <item href="AndiAliceBirthday.xhtml#E01.SelfControl"         level="subsection">Self Control</item>
  <item href="OriginSpecies.xhtml"                             level="article">The Origin Species (poetry)</item>
  <item href="SubmissiveDevotion.xhtml"                        level="article">Submissive Devotion</item>
  <item href="SubmissiveDevotion.xhtml#ES01.Worship"           level="section">Worship</item>
  <item href="SubmissiveDevotion.xhtml#ES01.Dedication"        level="section">Dedication</item>
  <item href="SubmissiveDevotion.xhtml#ES01.Respect"           level="section">Respect</item>
  <item href="SubmissiveDevotion.xhtml#ES01.SelfCare"          level="subsection">Self Care</item>
dauwhe commented 5 years ago

Keep in mind that we have a quite mature specification that's widely implemented. I just created an EPUB with two nav epub:type="toc" and a popular reading system only displayed the second nav.

I would much prefer to tweak the nav content model (if it proves necessary) than invent an entirely new XML format. We have a little too much experience with the latter ;)

VeryGoodErotica commented 5 years ago

I suppose it also has to work with Amazon's tool that converts ePub to their proprietary format. I don't like proprietary formats but authors have to sell on their platform, eating is nice.

VeryGoodErotica commented 5 years ago

Okay I found a solution that "works for me" at least in Calibre

One single <nav epub:type="toc"></nav> that has a single OL in the spine order but my css has

nav {
  display: none;

Then I have <section class="nav"></section> for each of the ToC that I want users to see, they display as intended and serve the purpose or user selection while allow the nav that isn't displayed to serve the purpose of the users.

Maybe some readers won't respect the display:none; CSS - I don't know - but that's not the end of the world.

I think my use case is edge enough that this workaround is sufficient. So I'm going to close.

VeryGoodErotica commented 5 years ago

I suppose I probably should add a role="navigation" to those section nodes, I still have to look at ePub a11y and see how it compares with html5 a11y best practices.