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"link capturing" on the web platform into an installed web app #1138

Open dmurph opened 3 months ago

dmurph commented 3 months ago

I've done pretty extensive investigation on a web-platform-compatible way for link clicks to be 'capturable' by an installed web app, and I'm happy to present my general findings & how it fits within the html navigation specification.

(e.g. - enabling the behavior where a user can click on a link in Safari, and it could open in an installed app that the link is in scope of)

Thumbs up this post if you are interested in learning about or chatting about this.

LuHuangMSFT commented 3 months ago

Looking forward to this discussion.

marcoscaceres commented 1 month ago

Let's make this a TPAC topic... I'll it to the agenda. Plus let's move this to Web App Manifest.

dmurph commented 1 month ago

Public doc that's coming together: https://bit.ly/pwa-navigation-capturing

dmurph commented 6 days ago

PWA Navigation Capturing (public version) - 2024-09-22.pdf

I'll attach the pdf version of the presentation as well

dmurph commented 6 days ago

Presentation link: https://bit.ly/pwa-navigation-capturing-pres

dmurph commented 5 days ago

PDF version: PWA Navigation Capturing Presentation (public version).pdf