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Mongolian Layout Requirements
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Mongolian Unicode Re-Standardisation #38

Open ZmongolCode opened 3 years ago

ZmongolCode commented 3 years ago

Mongolian Unicode Re-Standardisation Draft Proposal.pdf Hi all,

(not sure if Github is a suitable place to leave comments)

Thank you very much for the kind support all these years.

We - the younger generation Mongolians, are trying to clean the mess up for the Unicode standard 1800 code zone area for Mongolian script. Our previous generations tried very hard but they were lack of computer knowledge, poor at foreign languages, lack of communication skills, and strictly controlled by the political powers. As a result, they wasted you and my time for the last 30 years and lost many users from the Mongolian script community. We are extremely sorry for this.

We - the younger generation called Zteam, are triggering the Re-Standardisation of the Mongolian script in Unicode. Obviously, the previous set of Unicode in 1800~18AF was wrongly set up and can not meet the user requirement. Thus it is our responsibility and duty to Make Our-Script Great Again!

Zteam's findings proved that the Mongolian speaking language and the Mongolian writing scripts are based on different form sets and different foundations. Thus we can not use the language rules to restrict the script. 1) The Mongolian language is a Phonetic language with a) consonants and b) vowels. it is 2D structure= f(x,y) 2) The Mongolian script is much more complicated. the script has a) consonants, b) vowels, c) Initial/mid/final positional type, d) special characters. so it is a 4D structure = f(x,y,z,w) In fact, we could easily understand why we have these different structures, because the speaking language itself raised from the Altai mountain Nomads, while the script was derived from the ancient Sogdian script, which was further traced back to Persian or sourced from the Egyptian script. It is extremely interesting to find out that the Sogdian script birthplace - Khwarizmi is also the birthplace of a famous person - Muhammad ibn Musa al-Khwarizmi - the father of Algebra. It might a reason why the Mongolian script is full of Vector and Tensor logics.

There were 10,184 Mongolian script users already signed up to support our new application process. Currently, we are in the process of approaching government officials to officially support us and submit the new application to the Unicode Technical Committee. We only need 52 characters and codepoints for bringing our Mongolian script to the internet world.

We will share the details in our next update.

thank you,

Zteam 10 Sep 2020 Mongol Unicode -To his Excellency Mr President.pdf Монгол Unicode -To his Excellency Mr President.pdf

ZmongolCode commented 3 years ago

Mongolian Unicode Re-Standardisation Draft Proposal.pdf Please review the Mongolian version for the new proposal. We will update the details in English very soon. cheers.

duerst commented 3 years ago

I'm very much looking forward to the English version of the proposal, as I don't read Mongolian.

c933103 commented 3 years ago

It would help if you can provide the full proposal in English and share them on the Official Unicode Mailing List. https://unicode.org/consortium/distlist.html