w3c / musicxml

MusicXML specification
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New element for ambitus #514

Open lemzwerg opened 1 month ago

lemzwerg commented 1 month ago

I suggest to add a new element <ambitus>, which would be a sibling to <scordatura>.


lemzwerg commented 1 month ago

PS: Does it make sense at all to suggest new elements? Will there be evolution of MusicXML, given that probably all energy should be invested into MNX?

mscuthbert commented 1 month ago

I believe that new element suggestions are welcome, though the community is divided between preserving existing functionality (to the extent that pointing the spec to where development is actually happening is controversial) and wanting change. Major + breaking changes are probably better for MNX.

This is an element I have longed for. I do think specifying implementation would be helpful. I would like to see how it could be specified whether changes to the score should be used as a hint to update the element or if it is designed to ignore changes.

My feeling is also that in encoding it should follow the clef (since graphically it depends on the clef) but we should have an attribute like "before-clef" with a default of "yes"