w3c / secure-payment-confirmation

Secure Payment Confirmation (SPC)
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Proposal: Expanding output states for SPC #275

Open stephenmcgruer opened 2 months ago

stephenmcgruer commented 2 months ago

Hey folks; we've discussed this a few times, but I realized (thanks to Ian!) that I don't think we really have a clear issue outlining the ideas around more output states for SPC. So I put together some diagrams and wrote this up :).

Background / Motivation

We've heard feedback (repeatedly - this is nothing new!) that outside of the success case of SPC, it is difficult for integrators to know what has happened when SPC failed and how they should proceed. This largely stems from the WebAuthn privacy model (see spec) which states that we cannot allow sites to detect the difference between:

  1. A user not having a given credential/passkey
  2. A user having the credential but declining to use it

The goal of this privacy model is to stop sites from being able to track users via the existence of credentials.

In practice, this means that most of the non-success outcomes in SPC result in a single error - a NotAllowedError DOMException. The exception is the showOptOut OptOutError. The reason we can be specific for OptOutError is that it can be returned whether or not a credential matched - so there's no information leakage to the website upon receiving it.

(But of course see #274 for discussions around removing showOptOut entirely)

We can model the current output states as follows:

Sept 2024  SPC - Current output states

Or if it helps, here they are with Chrome's current UX:

Sept 2024  SPC - Current output states (With UI)

In Chrome, we think there's a path here to give some additional information to SPC integrators, notably around distinguishing whether the user really wants to continue or wants to cancel this payment.


Introduce a new output state for SPC, which represents an explicit user desire to cancel. For arguments sake, we'll use the AbortError DOMException for the rest of this proposal, but ultimately what error code we choose doesn't matter as long as its distinguishable.

In order to introduce this without causing a privacy issue, we will need to have it be possible to get this new AbortError from both the 'credentials matching' and 'credentials dont match' cases. To do this, we propose making SPC always display a transaction experience (spec link) to the user, and have the matching/non-matching of credentials instead influence whether the transaction UX is followed by a WebAuthn experience or not.

One could perhaps distinguish these into a "confirmation transaction UX" and a "verifying transaction UX" - the former only confirms the users intent to purchase or not, whilst the latter can additionally verify the users identity (expressed via a WebAuthn signing). In this proposal, we refer to the case without credentials as a "Fallback" experience.

The introduction of this new output state allows for the following user flows:

Sept 2024  SPC - Proposed output states

As noted in the diagram, the integrator should consider the outcomes of the show() call to mean the following:

  1. Signed cryptogram returned - user wishes to proceed with payment and has verified their identity
  2. NotAllowedError - user wishes to proceed with payment but either cannot OR does not want to use the passed-in credentials to do that
  3. AbortError - user explicitly does not wish to continue with payment. Integrator should return to merchant checkout screen or handle otherwise sensibly.
  4. OptOutError - as today, the user wishes for the RP to remove this credential (again, see #274 )

Open Questions

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