Requested by Reinier de Valk from the University of Vienna:
You may have heard about the E-LAUTE (Electronic Linked Annotated Unified Tablature Edition) project, an international research project in which academic institutes and libraries from Germany, Austria, and Switzerland collaborate in order to create “an open-access comprehensive and interactive edition of the lute tablatures of the German-speaking area between 1450 and 1550” (
An important part of our work is creating an MEI implementation of German lute tablature, which we will be rendering using Verovio. As you know, Verovio follows the SMuFL specification -- and our problem is that the current set of German lute tablature symbols in SMuFL ( is incomplete.
As per the instructions (, we are therefore requesting the addition of 34 new symbols -- most of them variants of already existing SMuFL symbols -- and the replacement of three particular existing symbols.
We have specified our requests in a Google document, which contains images and descriptions of these symbols, as well as additional information:
The symbols requested now are the ones needed most critically, and are a subset of all the symbols we need -- but in order to keep things manageable, we will specify those remaining symbols (a smaller set) in one or more subsequent requests.
Please let us know if anything is unclear, whether we are doing this the right way, or if you need additional information.
We look forward to hearing from you!
On behalf of the E-LAUTE team and the MEI Tablature Interest Group,
Reinier de Valk
Olja Janjuš
David M. Weigl
David Lewis
Requested by Reinier de Valk from the University of Vienna: