w3c / strategy

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Solid Working Group #360

Closed pchampin closed 1 year ago

pchampin commented 1 year ago

The Solid Community Group has been created in 2018 to incubate a set of specifications based on Tim Berner's Lee project Solid. The goal is to propose a new way to build Web applications where data is not centralized in application provider's silos, but kept under the control of the end users.

According to an email sent yesterday to the CG, Tim wishes to move some of these specifications to standard track, through the creation of a W3C working group.

I am in contact with a number of people in the CG, and I am happy to folllow this.

pchampin commented 1 year ago

@plehegar admin question: would there be a problem if the newly created WG has the same name as the existing CG?

pchampin commented 1 year ago

formal charter proposal at #377