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[wg/privacy] Privacy Working Group #414

Open plehegar opened 1 year ago

plehegar commented 1 year ago

New charter proposal, reviewers please take note.

Charter Review


What kind of charter is this? Check the relevant box / remove irrelevant branches.

The Privacy Interest Group is morphing into a Working Group.

Horizontal Reviews: apply the Github label "Horizontal review requested" to request reviews for accessibility (a11y), internationalization (i18n), privacy, and security. Also add a "card" for this issue to the Strategy Funnel.

Communities suggested for outreach:

Privacy-related Community Groups.

Known or potential areas of concern:

None (so far)

Where would charter proponents like to see issues raised? (this strategy funnel issue, a different github repo, email, ...)


Anything else we should think about as we review?

plehegar commented 1 year ago

Not ready for horizontal review quite yet (list of deliverables still under discussion).

I'd like to send an advance notice to the AC regarding this charter, so agenda+

plehegar commented 1 year ago

cc @pes10k @npdoty @sandandsnow

svgeesus commented 1 year ago

Clearly the charter is not yet ready but also, Advance Notice doesn't even require a charter to be available so this would be fine to send with an Advance Notice.

It does look odd that Motivation and Background is entirely empty, although Mission kind of covers that. So it would be fine to say here that the review part was already being done by an IG but as there is a desire to develop standards-track documents too, a WG is proposed to replace it.

(The choice of Document license is odd too, but that isn't a blocker)

michael-n-cooper commented 1 year ago

I'm ok to send advance notice, though I think it would be more useful if the motivation and scope were completed, as that's actually the most important part to know in an early draft.

sandandsnow commented 1 year ago

@michael-n-cooper and @svgeesus, noted that we need to add the text for motivation and scope asap.

plehegar commented 1 year ago

(The choice of Document license is odd too, but that isn't a blocker)

my mistake. I'll change it to the software license.

plehegar commented 1 year ago

One more thing we need to add: work on horizontal reviews (similarly to the I18n WG charter)

plehegar commented 1 year ago

I opened a batch of issues based on the comments above.

Waiting on https://github.com/w3cping/administrivia/issues/30 for the advance notice.

npdoty commented 1 year ago

Thanks for the review, feedback and issues. 🙏🏻

Just context: I didn't fill in motivation/background section initially as I wanted to make the mission section crisp and we didn't have background sections for the PING charter in the past.

jyasskin commented 1 year ago

I'm not really familiar with what we need for advance notice, but horizontal review seems like a very important part of this charter, so maybe https://github.com/w3cping/administrivia/issues/31 should be at least sketched before it's sent out too.

plehegar commented 11 months ago

We now have a background/motivation section, as well as an horizontal review section. I'll get the advance notice out and request a 3 months charter extension. Next step is to close the loop with PING, then ask for horizontal review of this charter.

npdoty commented 11 months ago

Also, apologies to our initial reviewers that the horizontal review section in particular wasn't present from the beginning. The drafts got a little bit out of sync and I went on leave just as that was being circulated and so didn't catch it at the time.

AramZS commented 11 months ago

I'd like to note my support for moving this forward with alacrity. The three projects listed do indeed need to advance to working groups and this charter presents the best place for them. Beyond that it is clear that there will only be more privacy standards arriving in the coming months and years that will need a clear place to advance to where privacy is the focus and a WG that can build expertise and retain knowledge on privacy subjects that will span more than one of these proposals..

Edited with update.

SebastianZimmeck commented 11 months ago

So many of the features of the Web and its usage involve information about people and their communications that privacy must be considered consistently across the design of the platform.

Indeed, privacy should be reflected in the structure of the web. Privacy is a systems property and should be implemented as such. Privacy standards can provide the crucial link between privacy rights and the technical implementations that make them operational. Regulators can point to standards to identify which implementations satisfy the privacy laws they enforce. Thus, the goal of this working group to bring privacy rights to life via the standards process is of great importance. In this spirit, I hope that we can move Global Privacy Control forward in this forum with all stakeholders involved.

plehegar commented 10 months ago

Update: As of July 6, we don't have agreements within the IG yet on moving this charter forward: [[ Nick: We have some differences. We should discuss on Slack and Github. It seemed like more work to do lots of 1-off WGs, but I’m not completely committed to a Privacy WG. ]] https://www.w3.org/Privacy/IG/summaries/PING-minutes-20230706

plehegar commented 9 months ago

Update: PING should finalize this charter at TPAC 2023.

See https://www.w3.org/Privacy/IG/summaries/PING-minutes-20230907

plehegar commented 9 months ago

Advance notice (sent in July): https://lists.w3.org/Archives/Member/w3c-ac-members/2023JulSep/0000.html

plehegar commented 8 months ago

Finalized in https://www.w3.org/Privacy/IG/summaries/PING-minutes-20231005

himorin commented 7 months ago
ruoxiran commented 7 months ago

APA is OK with this charter.

npdoty commented 7 months ago
  • history table contains garbage??


Currently the history section is empty, because this would be the initial charter for a new Working Group. But as noted in the "about this charter" section, the group would replace the Privacy Interest Group, a long-running group with a variety of charter changes. I'm not clear if the expectation is to copy over the history of the to-be-subsumed group's charter. Should we just remove this section for the initial charter, and add it back when there's a change of any kind?

npdoty commented 7 months ago
  • out of scope says Policy statements and guidance are out of scope for this Working Group. and mentions about CG for policy-focused outputs. TAG has privacy principles for the Web, so could mention about TAG along with external CG here?

I'm not sure the TAG would call the Privacy Principles a policy output, though. Comments on legislation or government rulemakings, for example, would be out of scope for the PrivacyWG, but probably also out of scope for the TAG (though we'd have to confirm that with the TAG).

Is that wrong? How should we indicate that a deliverable is joint, but note that it's actively maintained by one of the joint groups?

svgeesus commented 7 months ago

history table contains garbage??

It does. Delete the Note, comment out the charter extension and rechartered rows. Leave the initial charter row.

svgeesus commented 7 months ago

[pick a duration within:] one week to 10 working days,

That needs to be tidied up.

Sections 5.1 and 5.2 are unfinished.

Delete "Consider adopting a healthy testing policy, such as: "

Timeline is unfinished; add some fanciful guesses or delete it.

Is "(0.05 FTE)" still to-do?

npdoty commented 7 months ago

Thanks @svgeesus and @himorin, I've opened issues for each of the not-completed parts of the charter draft. I hope the substance of the charter is still worth reviewing for horizontal review, but will work with the chairs and Privacy Interest Group to resolve those open issues shortly.

plehegar commented 7 months ago

Privacy IG was extended in the meantime: https://lists.w3.org/Archives/Member/w3c-ac-members/2023OctDec/0031.html

plehegar commented 6 months ago

Dependencies to be added:

himorin commented 6 months ago

no comment or request from i18n. though, i18n are also interested in features marked as fingerprinting but also required for enabling key i18n functions.

I've dropped from my todo list on adding this to the issue, sorry.

plehegar commented 6 months ago

No objection from PING to start the AC review. Now in the hands of the Team to approve and start AC Review.

svgeesus commented 6 months ago

All the issues I noted earlier have been resolved to my satisfaction. Thank you.

svgeesus commented 6 months ago

I notice:

Individuals not employed by a W3C Member who wish to contribute to both privacy reviews and standardization of privacy mechanisms may join the group as Invited Experts;

It might be wiser to say "may apply to join the group as Invited Experts" or "may apply to be considered as Invited Experts". Unless the charter intends to promise that literally anyone will be given IE status.

himorin commented 6 months ago

Scope section contains some mentions to other CG/WG/IGs, and I suppose we might be better to have link (to w3.org/groups/?g/*) there for ones exist (but not to strategy issue or anything else...).

plehegar commented 6 months ago

It might be wiser to say "may apply to join the group as Invited Experts" or "may apply to be considered as Invited Experts". Unless the charter intends to promise that literally anyone will be given IE status.


plehegar commented 6 months ago

Scope section contains some mentions to other CG/WG/IGs, and I suppose we might be better to have link (to w3.org/groups/?g/*) there for ones exist (but not to strategy issue or anything else...).


siusin commented 6 months ago

It seems to me the link of Draft state: Adopted from Privacy CG should point to https://privacycg.github.io/gpc-spec/.

ylafon commented 6 months ago

What happens to horizontal reviews, especially the ones in progress, if the WG drop to less than 6 participants? Should it be clarified in the Charter?

plehegar commented 6 months ago

It seems to me the link of Draft state: Adopted from Privacy CG should point to https://privacycg.github.io/gpc-spec/.


plehegar commented 6 months ago

What happens to horizontal reviews, especially the ones in progress, if the WG drop to less than 6 participants? Should it be clarified in the Charter?

I don't think we have and would want to have a contingency plan. If we can't have 6 participants, we'll have a bigger problem (similar to security)

npdoty commented 6 months ago

I don't think the charter can protect against non-participation, but it should be a signal to the membership, for privacy and other horizontal review groups, that if they can't maintain participation, then comprehensive horizontal review simply won't happen.

plehegar commented 5 months ago


plehegar commented 5 months ago

From AC Review: [[ I also want to express concerns about Global Privacy Control. This is a mechanism being designed to support legal frameworks such as CCPA and those emerging in other US states. As such it has very limited applicability in other jurisdictions, notably the UK and EU. To the extent that "global" in the name implies "geographically global", a different name should be used. I recommend that the Working Group gives greater consideration to applicability of a browser signal under GDPR (and potentially legal frameworks elsewhere, although I'm not familiar with those), so we end up with a standard that has wider global relevance than the US. ]]

plehegar commented 5 months ago

From AC Review: [[ Please add the VCWG and DIDWG as liaisons to work that might affect them as well. I would hope that part of the PWGs work will be to help guide the work that VCWG and DIDWG are doing. ]]

plehegar commented 5 months ago

From AC Review: [[ The "Global Privacy Control" deliverable sounds like it's aimed at being the only privacy control that browsers will need to send to websites, but it's actually scoped to just the "do not sell or share" preference. This could lead to user confusion about whether GPC can solve cookie banners, which it's not scoped to do. We'd prefer that it be named something more specific (e.g. "Do Not Sell or Share Preference") given its narrow scope.

The Bounce Tracking Mitigation deliverable is likely to land in WHATWG specifications and not likely to need a W3C WG to adopt it. However, it seems harmless to include a potential deliverable that won't actually be used. ]]

SebastianZimmeck commented 5 months ago

I recommend that the Working Group gives greater consideration to applicability of a browser signal under GDPR (and potentially legal frameworks elsewhere, although I'm not familiar with those), so we end up with a standard that has wider global relevance than the US.

Global Privacy Control is not limited to the US. Notably, @darobin has put some thought into how GPC can work under the GDPR. For example, a legislator or regulator in a GDPR (or UK GDPR) jurisdiction can interpret a GPC signal to mean the withdrawal of consent under Article 7(3) and objection to processing by data controllers other than the first party under Article 21(1-3, 5).

We'd prefer that it be named something more specific (e.g. "Do Not Sell or Share Preference") given its narrow scope.

The name is one thing, but it is also possible to simply describe in the UI what GPC does. For example, Firefox describes GPC with "Tell websites not to sell or share my data."

Screenshot 2024-01-19 at 10 18 43 PM
plehegar commented 3 months ago

From the Web Application Security AC Review (#426): [[ The new "Off-The-Record Response Header Field" (OTR) deliverable focuses on addressing Privacy use-cases and as such it should instead be added as an OPTIONAL deliverable for the Privacy Working Group charter to take up ]]

plehegar commented 3 months ago

Regarding the formal objection at https://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-review-comments/2024Jan/0012.html , W3C updated its Antitrust and competition policy.

plehegar commented 3 months ago

The Team announced convening a Council on March 3rd.