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TPAC 2020 planning #112

Closed nigelmegitt closed 3 years ago

nigelmegitt commented 4 years ago


Despite the high level of uncertainty about the ability to organise and meet at TPAC in Vancouver this year, the team has asked the Chairs to respond to a form form by 24 May at the latest.

The form is divided into questions about a potential physical meeting in Vancouver, and questions about a potential alternate virtual meeting.

This issue is for disseminating the main questions and collating TTWG responses prior to responding.

Current plan (physical meeting in Vancouver):

Group meetings: 26, 27, 29, 30 October: 08:30 - 18:00
Technical Plenary Day: 28 October: 08:30 - 18:00
AC Meeting: 27 and 29 October: 15:00 - 18:00

Physical meeting survey questions


Number of days preference - usually 1 or 2, we usually say 2 and use ~1.5.

Days preference

Joint meetings

With which other groups would we like to meet jointly?

Virtual meeting survey questions

What is your general attitude towards having a virtual TPAC meeting?

If you responded, "W3C should organize a virtual TPAC meeting," which events are important to be included:

What should be the duration of a virtual TPAC meeting?

What is the total amount of virtual time you need for your WG/IG/BG?

What is the total time you want to spend on a single block per session per WG/IG/BG?

Who should take the lead in organizing WG/IG/BG sessions?

Should we set aside time for cross-group collaboration?

Breakout sessions - Which describes your view?

Hallway conversations - Which describes your view?

Additional thoughts

Free text area for adding additional thoughts.

css-meeting-bot commented 4 years ago

The Timed Text Working Group just discussed TPAC Planning, and agreed to the following:

The full IRC log of that discussion <cyril> Topic: TPAC Planning
<cyril> nigel: you might have seen TTWG issue 112
<cyril> ... staff have sent chairs a link to a survey
<cyril> ... as usual
<cyril> ... obviously this year is weird
<cyril> ... not clear we will have a physical meeting
<cyril> ... they have added questions about a virtual meeting
<cyril> ... not sure the best way is to have the discussion now
<cyril> ... so please have a look
<nigel> github: https://github.com/w3c/ttwg/issues/112
<cyril> nigel: the virtual meeting questions are
<cyril> ... general attitude towards having it (too complicated, ...)
<cyril> atsushi: W3C opened several pages of notes for operations under the current situation
<nigel> -> https://www.w3.org/Guide/meetings/continuity.html Continuity of Operations under Travel Restrictions
<cyril> ... for this past one month, there were several F2F 3-4 meetings per day over 1 week
<atai> q+
<cyril> ... short meetings is considered an alternative meeting for offline TPAC
<cyril> ... it might be possible to have TPAC over several weeks
<cyril> .. there are several discussions, no solid decision to have online or offline
<cyril> pal: I want to echo that trying to recreate TPAC virtually is a fool's errands
<atsushi> continuity of operations under travel restrictions -> https://w3c.github.io/Guide/meetings/continuity.html
<cyril> ... virtual meetings have to be planned differently
<cyril> ... on the other hands, having a time and place to bring together multiple threads is very valuable
<cyril> ... on many weeks or one week
<cyril> ... is a good idea
<atsushi> web payments WG virtual F2F March 2020 -> https://github.com/w3c/webpayments/wiki/FTF-Mar2020
<nigel> q+ pal
<nigel> scribe: nigel
<nigel> cyril: ISO has proposed 3 meetings a day over a concentrated 1 week period,
<nigel> .. at something like 0500, 1000 and 2000 UTC time.
<nigel> .. I think we should avoid trying to do something like that.
<nigel> .. XXXXX
<nigel> ack atai
<nigel> Andreas: I agree. It's worthwhile thinking about the goals of TPAC and trying to
<nigel> .. achieve the same goals virtually in whatever form.
<nigel> .. It's a good opportunity to say that what is special about TPAC is not WG meetings,
<nigel> .. but joint meetings, because every group is organised in the same place.
<nigel> .. It would be a good idea to meet maybe over several weeks in fixed time zones over 2-3
<nigel> .. hours, with short WG meetings for preparation and post-joint-meeting discussions.
<nigel> .. It will be good to wait until the May AC meeting experience, which will also be virtual.
<atsushi> q+ info on AC 2020 May
<nigel> ack pal
<nigel> Pierre: I wanted to echo what Cyril says.
<cyril> s/XXXXX/I'm the best/
<nigel> .. It should be focused on joint work and I don't think that individual groups should
<nigel> .. be encouraged to meet. My observation is that virtual meetings can be more efficient
<nigel> .. but require a lot more pre-planning.
<cyril> s/I'm the best/We should focus a virtual TPAC on joint meetings only/
<atai> q+
<nigel> Pierre: When meeting face to face sometimes people take shortcuts, and it is easier
<nigel> .. to have side conversations. Maybe people feel they've set aside the time so they can
<nigel> .. fill it more flexibly. It's hard to tell.
<nigel> .. I like the idea of a TPAC where common threads are brought together but please
<nigel> .. let's not schedule WG meetings during that week,
<nigel> s/,/.
<nigel> ack info
<Zakim> info, you wanted to comment on AC 2020 May
<nigel> Atsushi: Just for info about the AC meeting next month.
<nigel> .. It is quite different from WG discussions so W3C will provide pre-recorded videos
<nigel> .. for talks over 9-10 hours and try to have 90 minute conversations, two times.
<nigel> .. That's how virtual AC 2020 will be organised.
<nigel> .. It's quite a different set of conditions from our WG meeting.
<nigel> ack atsushi
<nigel> ack atai
<nigel> s/It would be a good idea to meet maybe over several weeks/It would not be a good idea to meet maybe over several weeks
<nigel> s/over several weeks/over several weeks, rather over one week
<nigel> Nigel: Would it be a good idea to try to simulate side-conversations?
<nigel> Pierre: If anyone can crack that it would be great progress for humanity in general!
<nigel> .. If there's a way to solve it that would be great. Current platforms make it really
<nigel> .. hard to have those conversations.
<nigel> .. Those side conversations only happen during meetings, and it isn't facilitated in breaks etc.
<nigel> .. If any org can do it, W3C can!
<nigel> .. It is the missing thing from virtual meetings.
<nigel> .. People work around it somehow. Maybe it can be integrated in meeting planning.
<nigel> .. That's a stretch goal. It is possible to plan TPAC as a virtual meeting, but will require
<nigel> .. more planning than usual.
<nigel> Nigel: Another question is on the duration and timezone. A single TPAC timezone,
<nigel> .. or using only a small part of the working day that works best globally?
<nigel> Pierre: I would be pragmatic here for a big plenary. For joint meetings, base it entirely
<nigel> .. on the membership, and who can attend and where they are.
<nigel> .. Picking a single time zone is not pragmatic. It is simple conceptually but makes nobody
<nigel> .. happy other than the people in that timezone. I don't like that solution at all.
<nigel> Glenn: Was there a location originally planned?
<nigel> Nigel: Vancouver
<nigel> Pierre: I'd love it in Vancouver's time zone but I think it's a terrible idea.
<nigel> .. For individual group meetings I would base it entirely on the attendees.
<nigel> q?
<nigel> Nigel: We are out of time for today and we covered a lot, but we may need to come back to canvas
<nigel> .. opinions on some of the questions we haven't tackled.
<nigel> Gary: One idea for the side conversation is time scheduled for a Webex where anyone
<nigel> .. can join, regardless of group, especially if we are doing the remote thing.
<nigel> .. Some people may still have travel restrictions in place.
<nigel> SUMMARY: Initial discussion: don't try to reproduce TPAC virtually, focus on the joint meetings and main benefits of cross-fertilisation of ideas and groups.
css-meeting-bot commented 4 years ago

The Timed Text Working Group just discussed AOB - TPAC 2020 planning.

The full IRC log of that discussion <nigel> Topic: AOB - TPAC 2020 planning
<nigel> github: https://github.com/w3c/ttwg/issues/112
<nigel> Nigel: On the time-per-session question, we sometimes go to 2 hours here, but I always
<nigel> .. force a break in the middle.
<nigel> Gary: Yeah, longer than 2 hours is too much.
<nigel> Nigel: We discussed hallway conversations, any more progress on that?
<nigel> Gary: A comment from last time is to have a "hallway track" session open all the time,
<nigel> .. not tied to a working group.
<nigel> Nigel: That's a good idea. I've seen breakout rooms used on Zoom, but only where there
<nigel> .. is a central person creating them and sending people to them.
<nigel> .. I don't know if they can be used in an ad hoc way.
<nigel> Gary: Yes it's easier on zoom, I don't know if anyone can do it if the permissions can be setup that way.
nigelmegitt commented 3 years ago

TPAC 2020 is now in the past. Closing.