4 missing statements...
"If featureOption is set to 'anonymous_holder_binding' or 'pseudonym_hidden_pid', the commitment_with_proof input MUST be supplied."
"If featureOption is set to 'anonymous_holder_binding' or 'pseudonym_hidden_pid', the commitment_with_proof input MUST be supplied; if not supplied, an error MUST be raised and SHOULD convey an error type of PROOF_GENERATION_ERROR"
"If featureOption equals 'anonymous_holder_binding', the REQUIRED additional inputs are holderSecret and proverBlind"
"If featureOption equals 'pseudonym_issuer_pid', the REQUIRED additional input is the verifier_id which is communicated to the holder by the verifier"
"If featureOption equals 'pseudonym_hidden_pid', the REQUIRED additional inputs are the pid, proverBlind (both known to holder), and verifier_id which is communicated to the holder by the verifier"
4 missing statements... "If featureOption is set to 'anonymous_holder_binding' or 'pseudonym_hidden_pid', the commitment_with_proof input MUST be supplied." "If featureOption is set to 'anonymous_holder_binding' or 'pseudonym_hidden_pid', the commitment_with_proof input MUST be supplied; if not supplied, an error MUST be raised and SHOULD convey an error type of PROOF_GENERATION_ERROR" "If featureOption equals 'anonymous_holder_binding', the REQUIRED additional inputs are holderSecret and proverBlind" "If featureOption equals 'pseudonym_issuer_pid', the REQUIRED additional input is the verifier_id which is communicated to the holder by the verifier" "If featureOption equals 'pseudonym_hidden_pid', the REQUIRED additional inputs are the pid, proverBlind (both known to holder), and verifier_id which is communicated to the holder by the verifier"