w7sst / MorseRunner

Morse Runner Community Edition
Mozilla Public License 2.0
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write and review announcement text. #164

Closed scotthibbs closed 1 year ago

scotthibbs commented 1 year ago

Here's our 1.82 announcement. (corrected a spelling error)

CQ CQ CQ - Morse Runner Community Edition - v1.82 is here!
The Morse Runner Community Edition has already added the ARRL DX, ARRL Field Day, CQ WW, CWOPS CWT, and NCJ NAQP contests to the original CQ WPX and HST modes. Now responding stations might send cut numbers for realism. Download it here: https://github.com/w7sst/MorseRunner/releases/tag/v1.82 so you can call CQ in your favorite contest. Next the project will look to provide additional contests, new features, future N1MM integration and usability enhancements. Your feedback, input, and help is appreciated. Users can do this at https://groups.io/g/MorseRunnerCE. Developers can find or join the project at https://github.com/w7sst/MorseRunner. We hope you like it, 73 de the MorseRunner CE team.

Where to Announce?

I (mike) am thinking in several places:

@scotthibbs @K6OK @f6fvy @ct7aup - thoughts?

scotthibbs commented 1 year ago

Should I mention we already added the ARRL Field Day contest?

scotthibbs commented 1 year ago

Edit the above. I need to add a line for the download link... Can't believe I forgot that!

w7sst commented 1 year ago

Yes, we should mention ARRL Field Day. I made a few edits to your text above.

This is my initial draft. I have not yet merged this with yours above. Please feel free to start combining. I'll be back in a few hours.

ANNOUNCEMENT - Morse Runner Community Edition - v1.82. We are pleased to announce the Morse Runner Community Edition project. We have added multi-contest support to Morse Runner, including ARRL DX, ARRL Field Day, CQ WPX, CQ WW, CWOPS CWT, and NCL NAQP contests, with more on the way. We welcome you to download this version and give it a try. At this time, N1MM-integration is not yet supported, however we hope to provide N1MM integration sometime next year.

To learn more, please visit us at:

To download this release, visit https://github.com/w7sst/MorseRunner/releases/tag/v1.82, scroll down to the Assets section, and download the Morse.Runner.1.82.zip file.

w7sst commented 1 year ago

BTW, I'm thinking this text is being sent to groups where we are making an initial MRCE announcement (e.g. N1MM User Group).

scotthibbs commented 1 year ago

I think the directions for types of feedback and the directions to download are pretty intuitive. I tried to add some flare so that we had the 15 minimum badges to make our management happy (reference to The Office Movie), thus I added the CQ and 73 as if it were a CW QSO. Tried to write it as if discovered for the first time (that we already added several contests - made it more real etc). Also planted the idea of the user calling CQ to wet the appetite.

The download link should work when the release is published but we can check just in case.

w7sst commented 1 year ago

the directions to download are pretty intuitive

I actually had some feedback from a friend that downloaded the wrong files and had to try three times before finding the right file. This is why I added the extra detail for find the download file under Assets.

w7sst commented 1 year ago

Next the project will look to provide better N1MM integration, and add many more contests and features.

I think I'll strike part of this sentence concerning N1MM integration for now. This particular N1MM reference was intended for the N1MM group itself. Readers can read about our N1MM integration intentions from our Goals section once they link to the project.

scotthibbs commented 1 year ago

Our release note should be changed to point users to the bottom of the page then right? Should we add the line from the readme on how to install on the release note? Better there than the readme really.

I think the N1MM reference has universal appeal even for those that don't use it - it gives the idea of forward progress. But I'm happy with any of the changes you want to make.

w7sst commented 1 year ago

@K6OK @f6fvy @ct7aup - Scott and I have drafted text for an announcement paragraph to be sent to our respective local clubs. I'll be announcing this in the N1MM user group and a local contesting club. Please review and edit the paragraph at the top of this issue if you would like to make any changes. Or let us know if you have any suggestions for feedback. Thank you, Mike and Scott.

w7sst commented 1 year ago

Our release note should be changed to point users to the bottom of the page then right? Should we add the line from the readme on how to install on the release note? Better there than the readme really.

Here, you mean the readme.md release note. Yes, I agree. I'll make this change before merging readme.md. Good catch. Edit - you mean the Release Note page for 1.82 - got it. I'll update that page as you suggest. Thanks.

I think the N1MM reference has universal appeal even for those that don't use it - it gives the idea of forward progress. But I'm happy with any of the changes you want to make.

To the non-N1MM users, it doesn't apply. I'll add back the N1MM reference to your paragraph above.

w7sst commented 1 year ago

The Release Notes page had been already updated. It now says:

Installation Open the Morse.Runner.1.82.zip file below (see Assets section), extract the folder to your desktop, and run MorseRunner.exe in that folder.

The link downloads the zip file for the user.

scotthibbs commented 1 year ago

LOL.. I was editing it too. Yours was better than mine. lol Ok. I'm going to bed. Hopefully released soon! I'm excited.

Thank you everyone for the hard work!

f6fvy commented 1 year ago

If you agree, I will announce it on the french contesters list as well, hosted by our national association.

w7sst commented 1 year ago

If you agree, I will announce it on the french contesters list as well, hosted by our national association.

Sounds good to me.

w7sst commented 1 year ago

Steve, N2IC, has asked me to not announce to the N1MM user group. He feels this group will immediately expect N1MM integration and will past all the good work we have done. Steve has started to work on N1MM integration. I will work with him on this.

I updated Scott's original comment at the top with my announcement plans - which are to announce to a remote radio group I use and to two local ham clubs I'm involved with.

w7sst commented 1 year ago

@scotthibbs @K6OK @f6fvy @ct7aup @tekenny @n2ic - I have published the 1.82 release. Feel free to copy the announcement paragraph in Scott's first comment above and share with your local contacts. As I mentioned above, I will not be announcing to the N1MM groups until N1mm-MR integration is completed.

K6OK commented 1 year ago

@w7sst -- Just posted it, using Scott's announcement blurb, to the reflectors of the Northern California Contest Club and the Mother Lode DX and Contest Club.