In the closed issue I expanded part 5 with a comparison of self-report nap, nonwear and accelerometer-based detection of sustained inactivity bouts (sib).
Next step in the project is to focus more on overlap of sibs with self-reported time in bed in order to better understand how lying in bed prior to falling a sleep or after waking up relates to self-reported time in bed.
Next step is to:
[x] Inside g.sibreport.R integrate sleeplog in sibreport object to allow for comparing time in bed (TIB) with sibs in g.part5.analyseRest.R
[x] In g.part5 add TIB to ts object because it is likely to only partially overlap with waking hours (focus of rest analysis) and because it will be useful for visualisations later on.
[x] Inside g.part5.analyseRest.R describe overlap TIB and sib in line with how it is done for nonwear and naps
[x] Check that acc before/after is correctly documented
In the closed issue I expanded part 5 with a comparison of self-report nap, nonwear and accelerometer-based detection of sustained inactivity bouts (sib).
Next step in the project is to focus more on overlap of sibs with self-reported time in bed in order to better understand how lying in bed prior to falling a sleep or after waking up relates to self-reported time in bed.
Next step is to:
integrate sleeplog in sibreport object to allow for comparing time in bed (TIB) with sibs ing.part5.analyseRest.R
add TIB to ts object because it is likely to only partially overlap with waking hours (focus of rest analysis) and because it will be useful for visualisations later on.g.part5.analyseRest.R
describe overlap TIB and sib in line with how it is done for nonwear and naps