waldronlab / BugSigDBcuration

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Divergent maturational patterns of the infant bacterial and fungal gut microbiome in the first year of life are associated with inter-kingdom community dynamics and infant nutrition #254

Closed SvetlanaUP closed 2 weeks ago

SvetlanaUP commented 6 months ago

Divergent maturational patterns of the infant bacterial and fungal gut microbiome in the first year of life are associated with inter-kingdom community dynamics and infant nutrition – Emily M. Mercer et al. – Microbiome https://microbiomejournal.biomedcentral.com/articles/10.1186/s40168-023-01735-3

tayyabak26 commented 6 months ago

@SvetlanaUP Kindly assign me this paper to curate. Thank You

tayyabak26 commented 6 months ago

Hi @SvetlanaUP I am done curating this study and it is ready for review.

Thank you. Link to study : https://bugsigdb.org/Study_993

tayyabak26 commented 6 months ago


SvetlanaUP commented 5 months ago
Item Description max points
1 All elements marked "Needs review" (none "Incomplete") 1 1
2 Correct study design 1 1
3 Entered all relevant experiments and no irrelevant experiments 1 1
4 Body site correctly identified (i.e. does not include multiple sites) 1 0.5
5 Condition entered according to contrast (correct EFO ontology) 1 1
6 Contrast groups correctly identified 1 1
7 Groups correctly labeled as 1 and 0 (1=cases, 0=controls) 1 1
8 Antibiotic exclusion correctly identified 1 1
9 Correctly identified sequencing details 2 1
10 Identified correct statistical test 1 0.5
11 Identified MHT correction 1 1
12 Correctly recorded matched on factors 1 1
13 Entered correct number of statistical tests per experiment 1 1
14 All diversity measures identified 1 1
15 Diversity results correctly entered as increased/decreased/unchanged 1 1
16 All signature sources correctly identified (-1 for each error) 2 2
17 Abundance direction correctly selected 1 1
18 Members of signatures identified correctly 2 1
19 Correct use of NCBI taxonomy 2 1
TOTAL 23 19