Open Havner opened 4 weeks ago
Also, when that works (Trim Release Damper) it would be nice if the Damper value would override the "Damper Override" value when trim is held. Not sure how that's supposed to work now.
Hmm, after I restarted everything it started to work. I did play earlier with the Dumper override (but it was off for when the bug appeared) so something is bugged, but can't reproduce it now.
Either way, I did test the "Trim Release Damper" with regards to "Damper Override" and the first doesn't override the latter. It would be nice if it did.
E.g. Damper Override: 100% Trim Release Damper: 20%
You have Damper 100% all the time, but when you hold the trimmer 20%.
Hmm, after I restarted everything it started to work. I did play earlier with the Dumper override (but it was off for when the bug appeared) so something is bugged, but can't reproduce it now.
Because the Trim Release Damper is implemented using Spring effect. And I had Spring turned off. Hmm, honestly I don't know what to think of it. That's strange to me.
If you don't have spring enabled, you don't have force trim. If you don't have force trim, you don't need a force trim damper.
The feature uses the spring effect type to achieve its effect. It provides a different, more consistent feeling compared to the damper effect type which is affected by velocity.
The feature works by enabling a spring effect but continuously updating the center of the spring effect to match the stick position at any point in time. The micro-delay of matching the center to the physical position and the strength of the applied spring effect are what provides the dampening feeling.
If you don't have spring enabled, you don't have force trim. If you don't have force trim, you don't need a force trim damper.
I get what you're saying I really do, but with my (awkward, I admit) use case I wanted to do the above sentence is not exactly true.
With some back and forth I went through (as can be seen on this issue) let me describe my use case once more:
For helis that don't use trimmer button for any autopilot zeroing like Mi8 and Huey I figured out it's easier to fly without the force trim. Where I don't need to press the button all the time. But to have damping force instead of springs. So basically spring to 0%, damping to 100%. This way I simple move the stick where I want with damping force and it stays there. And this is easily achievable now. Damping override to 100%, DCS spring override to 0%.
But, here comes the part I cannot achieve now. I figured out that I could still use the trim button for quicker maneuvers, eg. hold the trim button and I would lower the damping force. So normally I have 100% damping, with trim held I have let's say 20%. And I wanted to use the DCS spring override trimmer option for that. Set it to 20%. The thing that doesn't work is that this 20% does not override the 100% damping set constantly. Probably because it uses the spring effect, not the damping effect (probably, I'm not exactly sure whether the effects override each other automatically).
This is the use case I was trying to achieve originally (first with the spring set to 0% in the firmware, then using the DCS spring override, hence the issue being chaotic).
Tested on DCS with Mi8 and Ka50
Damper in Configurator set to 50/100%, not overridden in TelemFFB. Trim Release Damper enabled in TelemFFB, 100, button assigned.
Now, when I press the button in TelemFFB monitor I can see: "No Lookup: spring", which doesn't appear with "Trim Release Damper" disabled, so TelemFFB detected button press correctly. But there is no dumper effect added.
In the Configurator, Debug tab (Loaded Effects) I can see that spring effect is getting disabled and spring effect with Saturation 0 is enabled. But no Damper effect is active when I keep the trim held.
EDIT: Also in the Configurator in the Effects tab:
EDIT: It also doesn't seem to work for "Trim Release Damper" under "Hardware Force Trim" in Override DCS Spring (which by itself, the override spring and hardware force trim work fine)