wasabeef / Takt

Takt is Android library for measuring the FPS using Choreographer.
Apache License 2.0
1.15k stars 109 forks source link

Broken on 8.1 #11

Closed aleien closed 5 years ago

aleien commented 6 years ago

Hello! Is library currently not supported? It looks like it doesn't work all good on 8.1 (didn't check other os versions). Also "how to use" is misleading. 1) You have to use '.showOverlaySetting(true)', otherwise it won't prompt you to enable setting (and without it it doesn't show 2) You have to add android.permission.SYSTEM_ALERT_WINDOW to your manifest, otherwise you won't be able to enable setting 3) Misleading guide: onTerminate won't be called ever, so Takt won't be finished until system kills your process, so you need to move Takt.finish() to some other place.

Also it may be only my problem, but it somehow duplicates one over other, even when launched only once, so it's essentially impossible to see current fps :(

DEcSENT commented 6 years ago

Working on android 4.4, but yes, broken on android 8.