wavefrontshaping / ALP4lib

Python control module for Vialux DMDs based on ALP4.X API.
MIT License
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DMD.Initialize() problem #9

Closed NikoLipey closed 6 days ago

NikoLipey commented 4 years ago

I have a problem with DMD initialization even though DMD works using EasyProj app. Could you please help?

Loading library: C:/Program Files/ALP-4.3/ALP-4.3 API/x64/alp4395.dll

Exception Traceback (most recent call last)

in 6 DMD = ALP4(version = '4.3', libDir = 'C:/Program Files/ALP-4.3/ALP-4.3 API') 7 # Initialize the device ----> 8 DMD.Initialize() 9 10 # Binary amplitude image (0 or 1) ~\Documents\DMD\ALP4.py in Initialize(self, DeviceNum) 386 DeviceNum = ct.c_long(ALP_DEFAULT) 387 --> 388 self._checkError(self._ALPLib.AlpDevAlloc(DeviceNum,ALP_DEFAULT,ct.byref(self.ALP_ID)),'Cannot open DMD.') 389 390 self._checkError(self._ALPLib.AlpDevInquire(self.ALP_ID, ALP_DEV_DMDTYPE, ct.byref(self.DMDType)),'Inquery fails.') ~\Documents\DMD\ALP4.py in _checkError(self, returnValue, errorString, warning) 366 errorMsg = errorString+'\n'+ALP_ERRORS[returnValue] 367 if not warning: --> 368 raise Exception(errorMsg) 369 else: 370 print(errorMsg) **Exception: Cannot open DMD. The specified ALP device has not been found or is not ready.**