wayfair-incubator / aux-eng-playbook

Wayfair Tech's playbook for building and supporting an Auxiliary Engineering program.
BSD Zero Clause License
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🧹 Configure Renovate #27

Closed lelia closed 2 years ago

lelia commented 2 years ago

Fixes #3.

Question for discussion: Do we only want to support auto-merging PRs for minor/patch updates, or do we want to enable this for major dependency upgrades (eg. for Gatsby/React), too?


lelia commented 2 years ago

@GaryPWhite what are your thoughts on this Q from the description?

Question for discussion: Do we only want to support auto-merging PRs for minor/patch updates, or do we want to enable this for major dependency upgrades (eg. for Gatsby/React), too?

GaryPWhite commented 2 years ago

Minor updates pls, major stuff is likely to break unexpectedly and I'd rather have the chance to poke at it. Being a UI-mostly app, it's not easy to build a testing framework to make sure it looks / builds right with github actions.

lelia commented 2 years ago

Minor updates pls, major stuff is likely to break unexpectedly and I'd rather have the chance to poke at it. Being a UI-mostly app, it's not easy to build a testing framework to make sure it looks / builds right with github actions.

Sweet, I believe with the way it's configured right now ("matchUpdateTypes": ["minor", "patch", "pin", "digest"],) that should achieve what we want. We can validate that theory once it's merged into main and we've given Renovate some time to do its thing. 🤞