wazuh-fe-qa / wazuh-cypress

frontend e2e tests using cypress.
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Template Wazuh - Issue #87

Open Mayons95 opened 2 years ago

Mayons95 commented 2 years ago


Footprint metrics information

Main release candidate issue
Release candidate #
Previous python unit tests issue -

Test report procedure

All individual test checks must be marked as:
Pass The test ran successfully.
Xfail The test was expected to fail and it failed. It must be properly justified and reported in an issue.
Skip The test was not run. It must be properly justified and reported in an issue.
Fail The test failed. A new issue must be opened to evaluate and address the problem.
All test results must have one the following statuses:
:green_circle: All checks passed.
:red_circle: There is at least one failed check.
:yellow_circle: There is at least one expected fail or skipped test and no failures.

Any failing test must be properly addressed with a new issue, detailing the error and the possible cause. It must be included in the Fixes section of the current release candidate main issue.

Any expected fail or skipped test must have an issue justifying the reason. All auditors must validate the justification for an expected fail or skipped test.

An extended report of the test results must be attached as a zip or txt. This report can be used by the auditors to dig deeper into any possible failures and details.

As for the coverage results, they must be added split by modules. Test files must not be included in the coverage report.

All test coverage results must have one of the following statuses:


Status Coverage Modules Version
:green_circle: :green_square: All
:green_square: >= 75%
:yellow_square: >= 50%
:orange_square: >= 25%
:red_square: < 25%


All tests have been executed and the results can be found here.

All tests have passed and the fails have been reported or justified. I therefore conclude that this issue is finished and OK for this release candidate.

Auditors validation

The definition of done for this one is the validation of the conclusions and the test results from all auditors.

All checks from below must be accepted in order to close this issue.