wazuh / wazuh-packages

Wazuh - Tools for packages creation
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Updated Password Tool to add default user and password to the filebeat.yml when changing passwords. #2989

Closed CarlosALgit closed 3 months ago

CarlosALgit commented 3 months ago
Related issue


As seen on related issue, the user for Filebeat connection was wazuh before 4.3.x version. When you tried to migrate to a newer version and then change the passwords, the filebeat.yml file remained witht the same username that was wazuh. This breaks the installations as the user by default for Filebeat connection is admin from 4.3.x versions onwards. More information can be seen here: https://github.com/wazuh/wazuh-packages/issues/1369#issuecomment-2147395354

First aim

So, the aim of this PR is to change the Password Tool so that when a password change is requested for all users, it ensures the filebeat.yml file that the username is admin and the password is updated to the new one.

To do that I added the username: admin to this line:

conf="$(awk '{sub("username: .*", "username: admin"); sub("password: .*", "password: '"${adminpass}"'")}1' /etc/filebeat/filebeat.yml)"

More changes

In addition, while doing the tests, I realized that the way the Password Tool works is that when it detects that the password variable exists in the Filebeat Keystore, it assumes that in the filebeat.yml file ${username} is used as username and ${password} as password. But it could be that there was plain text instead of variables in the filebeat.yml, and this would break the operation. So we decided that, in addition, we would add that when it is detected that the Keystore variables are being used, the filebeat.yml is updated and what is there is replaced with the Filebeat Keystore variables. We divided the change in two operations. The first one will check if there is a variable on the Filebeat Keystore with the name password and, if so, we update the password with the new one and change the filebeat.yml with the ${password} variable. The second one will be inside the first one and, if there is a variable called password on the Filebeat Keystore, then we check for a variable named username and, if it's found, we update the filebeat.yml username field with the ${username} variable in order to add more sturdiness. Also a log was added to report the user about these changes.

To do that I added these lines:

if filebeat keystore list | grep -q password ; then
    eval "echo ${adminpass} | filebeat keystore add password --force --stdin ${debug}"
    conf="$(awk '{sub("password: .*", "password: ${password}")}1' /etc/filebeat/filebeat.yml)"
    echo "${conf}" > /etc/filebeat/filebeat.yml
    common_logger "Updated password on Filebeat Keystore. Also updated filebeat.yml file to use the Keystore password."
    if filebeat keystore list | grep -q username ; then
        conf="$(awk '{sub("username: .*", "username: ${username}")}1' /etc/filebeat/filebeat.yml)"
        echo "${conf}" > /etc/filebeat/filebeat.yml
        common_logger "Updated filebeat.yml file to use the Keystore username."


Tests for the plain text case I manually changed the username to other than admin to see if it's updated to admin when passwords are changed. ``` # Wazuh - Filebeat configuration file output.elasticsearch.hosts: - # - :9200 # - :9200 output.elasticsearch: protocol: https username: asdfasdfsafasdfas password: S*LSmDOcugQn80Rdu7Yl?WnH1TDFQRMa ssl.certificate_authorities: - /etc/filebeat/certs/root-ca.pem ssl.certificate: "/etc/filebeat/certs/filebeat.pem" ssl.key: "/etc/filebeat/certs/filebeat-key.pem" setup.template.json.enabled: true setup.template.json.path: '/etc/filebeat/wazuh-template.json' setup.template.json.name: 'wazuh' setup.ilm.overwrite: true setup.ilm.enabled: false filebeat.modules: - module: wazuh alerts: enabled: true archives: enabled: false ``` And after the passwords are changed with: ``` root@ubuntu2204:/home/vagrant# bash wazuh-passwords-tool.sh -a -v -au wazuh -ap t5wmO4Wa8?nDi3RTIXlVGTzlmS91*XtS ``` The username is updated to admin and the passwords is updated to the new one too: ``` # Wazuh - Filebeat configuration file output.elasticsearch.hosts: - # - :9200 # - :9200 output.elasticsearch: protocol: https username: admin password: ?EIJd4*QcnyMoblnNzmjC5AW*e7XUYA5 ssl.certificate_authorities: - /etc/filebeat/certs/root-ca.pem ssl.certificate: "/etc/filebeat/certs/filebeat.pem" ssl.key: "/etc/filebeat/certs/filebeat-key.pem" setup.template.json.enabled: true setup.template.json.path: '/etc/filebeat/wazuh-template.json' setup.template.json.name: 'wazuh' setup.ilm.overwrite: true setup.ilm.enabled: false filebeat.modules: - module: wazuh alerts: enabled: true archives: enabled: false ```
Tests for the Filebeat Keystore case We are going to test if with Filebeat Keystore variables configured, the Password Tool changes the plain text on the `filebeat.yml` to the variables used on the Keystore. Check if the Keystore has the password variable: ``` root@ubuntu2204:/home/vagrant# filebeat keystore list username password ``` Manually change the username and password values to plain text: ``` # Wazuh - Filebeat configuration file output.elasticsearch.hosts: - # - :9200 # - :9200 output.elasticsearch: protocol: https username: asdasd password: lkjhlkjh ``` And after changing the password with: ``` root@ubuntu2204:/home/vagrant# sudo bash wazuh-passwords-tool.sh -a 11/06/2024 09:52:47 INFO: Wazuh API admin credentials not provided, Wazuh API passwords not changed. 11/06/2024 09:52:51 INFO: Updated password on Filebeat Keystore. Also updated filebeat.yml file to use the Keystore password. 11/06/2024 09:52:51 INFO: Updated filebeat.yml file to use the Keystore username. 11/06/2024 09:52:55 INFO: The password for user admin is 7ewWSXVPKgQe+Df57SOo4QkHwQIRvvyH 11/06/2024 09:52:55 INFO: The password for user kibanaserver is D1*Li20Qjcg2?YyveXNik9xKSyyFsofx 11/06/2024 09:52:55 INFO: The password for user kibanaro is cL9*IiM0Z1jrsUfhfwSk?7yTiADz527z 11/06/2024 09:52:55 INFO: The password for user logstash is ?jHavEo9+n4MAIoxfQcwCd16.S63riET 11/06/2024 09:52:55 INFO: The password for user readall is 03Yurh6LbSKbU2p?YGpPSMRuTrp?O*3n 11/06/2024 09:52:55 INFO: The password for user snapshotrestore is cn7Kc4qGW47fBRV?vVZaHjyZ21Bpmy*f 11/06/2024 09:52:55 WARNING: Wazuh indexer passwords changed. Remember to update the password in the Wazuh dashboard and Filebeat nodes if necessary, and restart the services. root@ubuntu2204:/home/vagrant# filebeat test output elasticsearch: parse url... OK connection... parse host... OK dns lookup... OK addresses: dial up... OK TLS... security: server's certificate chain verification is enabled handshake... OK TLS version: TLSv1.2 dial up... OK talk to server... OK version: 7.10.2 ``` We can see that the log reports the user about the change made and the `filebeat.yml` file looks like this: ``` # Wazuh - Filebeat configuration file output.elasticsearch.hosts: - # - :9200 # - :9200 output.elasticsearch: protocol: https username: ${username} password: ${password} ssl.certificate_authorities: - /etc/filebeat/certs/root-ca.pem ssl.certificate: "/etc/filebeat/certs/wazuh-server.pem" ssl.key: "/etc/filebeat/certs/wazuh-server-key.pem" setup.template.json.enabled: true setup.template.json.path: '/etc/filebeat/wazuh-template.json' setup.template.json.name: 'wazuh' setup.ilm.overwrite: true setup.ilm.enabled: false filebeat.modules: - module: wazuh alerts: enabled: true archives: enabled: false logging.level: info logging.to_files: true logging.files: path: /var/log/filebeat name: filebeat ``` But, if the user wants to use the user on plain text and the password on the Filbeat Keystore. For that, we did also a test. The `filebeat.yml` file: ``` # Wazuh - Filebeat configuration file output.elasticsearch.hosts: - # - :9200 # - :9200 output.elasticsearch: protocol: https username: admin password: ${password} ... ``` We first delete the username of the Keystore. And the output when changing passwords: ```shellsession root@ubuntu2204:/home/vagrant# sudo filebeat keystore remove username successfully removed key: username root@ubuntu2204:/home/vagrant# sudo nano /etc/filebeat/filebeat.yml root@ubuntu2204:/home/vagrant# sudo bash wazuh-passwords-tool.sh -a 11/06/2024 09:56:39 INFO: Wazuh API admin credentials not provided, Wazuh API passwords not changed. 11/06/2024 09:56:43 INFO: Updated password on Filebeat Keystore. Also updated filebeat.yml file to use the Keystore password. 11/06/2024 09:56:47 INFO: The password for user admin is 4p*VpnkfEM?R8WP09FGR96H1P32TM.N2 11/06/2024 09:56:47 INFO: The password for user kibanaserver is KmDi2zorpKDgIz2Jv?eLlVjXcRd?1fAa 11/06/2024 09:56:47 INFO: The password for user kibanaro is S2EulqX.hbPF379671EIgzd+QfC5fKWd 11/06/2024 09:56:47 INFO: The password for user logstash is x2eEBo0NF2KWACwiDyg9yp+CdeobeFnK 11/06/2024 09:56:47 INFO: The password for user readall is C*mGrMoUi9R0Zc6?h0r92rM8A8Wr.EPr 11/06/2024 09:56:47 INFO: The password for user snapshotrestore is GDCs.G2*tZufd?2LvCY0sLFfvu25kWw1 11/06/2024 09:56:47 WARNING: Wazuh indexer passwords changed. Remember to update the password in the Wazuh dashboard and Filebeat nodes if necessary, and restart the services. root@ubuntu2204:/home/vagrant# filebeat test output elasticsearch: parse url... OK connection... parse host... OK dns lookup... OK addresses: dial up... OK TLS... security: server's certificate chain verification is enabled handshake... OK TLS version: TLSv1.2 dial up... OK talk to server... OK version: 7.10.2 ``` The filebeat.yml file remains like this: ``` # Wazuh - Filebeat configuration file output.elasticsearch.hosts: - # - :9200 # - :9200 output.elasticsearch: protocol: https username: admin password: ${password} ```

Final version

As the final improved version of this PR we thought it would be better to always use Filebeat Keystore in order to grant more security. So, if the user had configured the username or password in plain text in the filebeat.yml file, he will be warned that this will be changed when changing the passwords and the default admin user and the new password will be stored in the Filebeat Keystore. To change the user you can refer to the updated documentation with this change.

Tests for the final version

Test with plain text both on username and password The `filebeat.yml`: ``` # Wazuh - Filebeat configuration file output.elasticsearch.hosts: - # - :9200 # - :9200 output.elasticsearch: protocol: https username: admin password: 123123123123132131 ssl.certificate_authorities: ... ``` When changing the passwords: ```shellsession root@ubuntu2204:/home/vagrant# bash wazuh-passwords-tool.sh -a 17/06/2024 10:45:15 INFO: Wazuh API admin credentials not provided, Wazuh API passwords not changed. 17/06/2024 10:45:19 WARNING: The user and password configured in the filebeat.yml file will be updated and stored in Filebeat Keystore. 17/06/2024 10:45:19 INFO: Updated username and password in Filebeat Keystore. Also updated filebeat.yml file to use the Filebeat Keystore username and password. 17/06/2024 10:45:38 INFO: The password for user admin is B7+NbOda+?O.y8EhMqSG06lSfWGmiRH9 17/06/2024 10:45:38 INFO: The password for user kibanaserver is s0PzZ*0Alr5ILjHgXZR1YSdKAq+XEUHp 17/06/2024 10:45:38 INFO: The password for user kibanaro is ?JSp1IU1dOl7wbpkFPypOnCerVbI.Spn 17/06/2024 10:45:38 INFO: The password for user logstash is z?GpHgUv8ha.E22iqOPDzs8785FedJ9v 17/06/2024 10:45:38 INFO: The password for user readall is 8SA4pt?U+dDdFbNl6mRbE6luxlI?DjDb 17/06/2024 10:45:38 INFO: The password for user snapshotrestore is 8T+7JYpgB.ETDCKwv76.7cp9Fno2m*fC 17/06/2024 10:45:38 WARNING: Wazuh indexer passwords changed. Remember to update the password in the Wazuh dashboard and Filebeat nodes if necessary, and restart the services. root@ubuntu2204:/home/vagrant# nano /etc/filebeat/filebeat.yml root@ubuntu2204:/home/vagrant# filebeat test output elasticsearch: parse url... OK connection... parse host... OK dns lookup... OK addresses: dial up... OK TLS... security: server's certificate chain verification is enabled handshake... OK TLS version: TLSv1.2 dial up... OK talk to server... OK version: 7.10.2 ``` The final `filebeat.yml`: ``` # Wazuh - Filebeat configuration file output.elasticsearch.hosts: - # - :9200 # - :9200 output.elasticsearch: protocol: https username: ${username} password: ${password} ... ```
Tests with one variable in plain text and the other on the correct variable The `filebeat.yml`: ``` # Wazuh - Filebeat configuration file output.elasticsearch.hosts: - # - :9200 # - :9200 output.elasticsearch: protocol: https username: ${username} password: 1231231321aaa .... ``` Changing the passwords: ```shellsession root@ubuntu2204:/home/vagrant# bash wazuh-passwords-tool.sh -a 17/06/2024 10:47:00 INFO: Wazuh API admin credentials not provided, Wazuh API passwords not changed. 17/06/2024 10:47:04 WARNING: The user and password configured in the filebeat.yml file will be updated and stored in Filebeat Keystore. 17/06/2024 10:47:04 INFO: Updated username and password in Filebeat Keystore. Also updated filebeat.yml file to use the Filebeat Keystore username and password. 17/06/2024 10:47:25 INFO: The password for user admin is 4.UJ4j6CGa0oIVHnuf2xPq*JAsM5vh7T 17/06/2024 10:47:25 INFO: The password for user kibanaserver is Va0JC8v.X0MBVCrMjH7Usa31QMHeKd+h 17/06/2024 10:47:25 INFO: The password for user kibanaro is SJEbg7?24ZRA992bH4imXK?jvZ6c.Z9j 17/06/2024 10:47:25 INFO: The password for user logstash is lKLWeW5wUj1LbVMbU+X1XKz?2SN5pQ.m 17/06/2024 10:47:25 INFO: The password for user readall is Hqks?uoU.rkPZM5MRLYKBfJ6GTjThr0c 17/06/2024 10:47:25 INFO: The password for user snapshotrestore is gnJpGv.wzUhiV+iUb6oX6MG?CDlb7Y.V 17/06/2024 10:47:25 WARNING: Wazuh indexer passwords changed. Remember to update the password in the Wazuh dashboard and Filebeat nodes if necessary, and restart the services. root@ubuntu2204:/home/vagrant# nano /etc/filebeat/filebeat.yml root@ubuntu2204:/home/vagrant# filebeat test output elasticsearch: parse url... OK connection... parse host... OK dns lookup... OK addresses: dial up... OK TLS... security: server's certificate chain verification is enabled handshake... OK TLS version: TLSv1.2 dial up... OK talk to server... OK version: 7.10.2 ```
Tests with both on correct variables The `filebeat.yml`: ``` # Wazuh - Filebeat configuration file output.elasticsearch.hosts: - # - :9200 # - :9200 output.elasticsearch: protocol: https username: ${username} password: ${password} ... ``` Changing the passwords: ```shellsession root@ubuntu2204:/home/vagrant# bash wazuh-passwords-tool.sh -a 17/06/2024 10:43:11 INFO: Wazuh API admin credentials not provided, Wazuh API passwords not changed. 17/06/2024 10:43:16 INFO: Updated username and password in Filebeat Keystore. Also updated filebeat.yml file to use the Filebeat Keystore username and password. 17/06/2024 10:43:36 INFO: The password for user admin is +WeiI?bqhEzj6D*05NP.GDelSH9e*5uV 17/06/2024 10:43:36 INFO: The password for user kibanaserver is dD0*G6AgQvuIac6Vgc9Xw34I9bddOC?2 17/06/2024 10:43:36 INFO: The password for user kibanaro is PidYbvqSTAYnU0wT7?2tVak+MM.fGBcD 17/06/2024 10:43:36 INFO: The password for user logstash is 15.J*6Js6q5rL9t8IRfafY68jmnOAhs1 17/06/2024 10:43:36 INFO: The password for user readall is 7i0TnCmYZw.U14ek*obSrtX76av46k7z 17/06/2024 10:43:36 INFO: The password for user snapshotrestore is CkG5M9l7NtEJd.PfP2Pd41Ab5CXYr+vB 17/06/2024 10:43:36 WARNING: Wazuh indexer passwords changed. Remember to update the password in the Wazuh dashboard and Filebeat nodes if necessary, and restart the services. root@ubuntu2204:/home/vagrant# filebeat test output elasticsearch: parse url... OK connection... parse host... OK dns lookup... OK addresses: dial up... OK TLS... security: server's certificate chain verification is enabled handshake... OK TLS version: TLSv1.2 dial up... OK talk to server... OK version: 7.10.2 ```