wazuh / wazuh-qa

Wazuh - Quality Assurance
GNU General Public License v2.0
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QA framework onboarding to Core #4211

Closed damarisg closed 5 months ago

damarisg commented 11 months ago


The goal here is to be able to perform the complete migration of each TI created in the wazuh-qa repository to the wazuh/wazuh repository. For that reason, some task is required.

To Do


damarisg commented 11 months ago

Create a document with the IT coverage of the wazuh-qa repository. 🟢

damarisg commented 11 months ago

The QA responsible must hold weekly meetings with a responsible Core to teach him about the assigned tests. 🟢

damarisg commented 11 months ago

The QA responsible must ensure that Core migrates at least one IT to the wazuh/wazuh repository 🟢

damarisg commented 11 months ago

The QA responsible must correct and close each priority task related to the ITs that will be migrated. 🔵(WIP)

You can follow the progress of this on Refactors and Enhancements IT framework for migration to Core repository

QU3B1M commented 5 months ago

The ITs tests migration is completely on charge of Core by now. This issue is outdated and may not be relevant now.

damarisg commented 5 months ago

As Kevin mentioned, it's outdated. As part of quality control, everything agreed was delivered.

The rest of the migration is in progress, but Core will continue it as responsible.

It could be closed by QA team or change project to Core. Our manager will take the decision.