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wocker wp cli update #48

Closed kitakado-h closed 8 years ago

kitakado-h commented 8 years ago

When attempting to update WP-CLI,I get an error.

Error message
“Error: /usr/local/bin/wp is not writable by current user”

ixkaito commented 8 years ago


Could you tell me your Wocker version?

To check it, please run:

wocker ~ $ wocker -v
kitakado-h commented 8 years ago

Hi @ixkaito

I am using wocker version 1.1.3. WP-CLI version: 0.24.0-alpha-28eed6b

In the case of a container made with wocker version 1.1.2. WP-CLI version: 0.22.0-alpha-1267f2c

ixkaito commented 8 years ago


I see. You have no problem of WP-CLI on version 1.1.3, but you can't use WP-CLI on your old containers created from version 1.1.2, right?

It's a little tricky to update WP-CLI. Please try the following steps:

  1. Start your container

    wocker ~ $ wocker start CONTAINER
  2. Start a bash session in the container

    wocker ~ $ wocker exec -it CONTAINER bash
  3. Update WP-CLI

    root@****:/var/www/wordpress# wp cli update --allow-root
  4. Type y then push enter

That's it!

kitakado-h commented 8 years ago


That did the trick! Thank you!