we-dance / platform-v3

Community platform for dancers
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premium accounts for organisers #210

Open zuriyaD opened 1 year ago

zuriyaD commented 1 year ago

https://plant-xylophone-e69.notion.site/Design-Plan-fecd43e4224d4b299b5b36a04741ce52 https://miro.com/app/board/uXjVP_AR-0k=/ - planning session from miro board. 16.01.2023

zuriyaD commented 1 year ago

https://plant-xylophone-e69.notion.site/WeDance-Business-da38fe27d1524d8ca01b47b7a2497f83 shared from Alex

zuriyaD commented 1 year ago

WeDance has 3 target audience - dancers, artists, organisers. Organisers are the most active current users of the platform. Sometimes organisers over-post in telegram chats and become too “spamy” for subscribers. The Premium accounts could help WeDance show newsletters more accurately, get more loyalty among organisers, monetise the platform and become self-efficient. Impact from Premium accounts will be as more dancers will get relevant to them newsletters, more organisers will show their invitations to target audience. As a result, users will be more satisfied with a product.