Closed t-matsudate closed 3 years ago
What do your dependencies look like?
Hi, James. Thank you for replying to me.
My project dependencies are just following:
:exclusions [org.clojure/clojure
:managed-dependencies [[org.clojure/clojure "1.9.0"]
[org.clojure/clojurescript "1.10.439"]
[ring/ring-core "1.7.1"]]
:dependencies [[org.clojure/clojure]
[org.clojure/java.jdbc "0.7.8"]
[ring/ring-defaults "0.3.2" :exclusions [javax.servlet/javax.servlet-api]]
[hiccup "1.0.5"]
[bidi "2.1.5"]
[sablono "0.8.5"]
[clj-http "3.9.1"]]
:profiles {:dev {:exclusions [ring]
:managed-dependencies [[ring "1.7.1"]]
:dependencies [[ring/ring-mock "0.3.2"]
[com.bhauman/figwheel-main "0.2.0"]
[org.apache.derby/derby ""]
[ring :exclusions [ring/ring-core]]]
:plugins [[lein-codox "0.10.5"]
[lein-ring "0.12.4"]
[lein-auto "0.1.3"]]}}
Ah, it might be a problem with leinjacker and your managed dependencies. My guess is that leinjacker doesn't support that, and as lein-ring relies on leinjacker to manage the dependencies, lein-ring doesn't support it either.
If you change the managed dependencies into normal dependencies, does lein-ring work?
Yeah, lein ring server-headless
just worked when managed-dependencies
isn't written in project.clj.
Thank you for giving its idea to me!
It looks like leinjacker 0.4.3 works with managed dependencies, so it's possible to include leinjacker 0.4.3 before lein-ring in the plugin dependencies.
:plugins [[leinjacker "0.4.3"]
[lein-ring "0.12.5" :exclusions [leinjacker]]
[lein-parent "0.3.5"]]
@ejschoen Oh! Thank you for telling good thing to me!
lein ring server-headless
ran with :managed-dependencies
when I tried it which you told!
I had not noticed plugins can also exclude their dependencies. XD (Thank you telling it too!)
updating leinjacker
does work. I created a PR to make this permanent.
@weavejester could you please make a release with this fix? Thanks!
@weavejester could you please make a release with this fix? Thanks!
Released 0.12.6. Sorry about the delay.
No problem and thank you!
I tried to run
lein ring server-headless
but I've gotten following exception messages:I thought following code got something mistaking:
Was something package name changed lately?