Open ghost opened 7 years ago
There are no current development plans, but merge requests are welcome. Below +/- indicate if it's present. 'v' means only for viewing.
+ html save
- find/replace
- footnotes
+ margins
- columns
v tables
- headers and footers
- numbering pages
+ borders and backgrounds
+ adding captions to images
v automatic table of contents
v master documents
- translate/rotate/scale images
So, would somebody implement these? find/replace footnotes columns tables headers and footers numbering pages automatic table of contents master documents translate/rotate/scale images
Well, you can hire people to do it.
Any ideas on who? Headers & Footers and Insert tables needed for product. Small budget may be available.
Hello there. I wonder if the word processor included with WebODF supports the following features, and if not, if they will be implemented: html save find/replace footnotes margins columns tables headers and footers numbering pages borders and backgrounds adding captions to images automatic table of contents master documents translate/rotate/scale images
Thanks in advance for any help.
Bye, Ivano.