webpack / webpack-dev-server

Serves a webpack app. Updates the browser on changes. Documentation https://webpack.js.org/configuration/dev-server/.
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Provide migration guide for setupMiddlewares #4129

Closed oobles closed 2 years ago

oobles commented 2 years ago

Documentation Is:

Please Explain in Detail...

The recent change for issue #4068 deprecates onAfterSetupMiddleware and onBeforeSetupMiddleware. The commit making the change provides a new example, but there's no migration guide on how to migrate away from the deprecated configuration options.

Your Proposal for Changes

snitin315 commented 2 years ago


module.exports = {
  devServer: {
    onAfterSetupMiddleware: function (devServer) {
      if (!devServer) {
        throw new Error('webpack-dev-server is not defined');

      devServer.app.get('/some/after/path', function (req, res) {
        res.json({ custom: 'response-after' });

    onBeforeSetupMiddleware: function (devServer) {
      if (!devServer) {
        throw new Error('webpack-dev-server is not defined');

      devServer.app.get('/some/before/path', function (req, res) {
        res.json({ custom: 'response-before' });


module.exports = {
  // ...
  devServer: {
    setupMiddlewares: (middlewares, devServer) => {
      if (!devServer) {
        throw new Error('webpack-dev-server is not defined');

       // onBeforeSetupMiddleware
      devServer.app.get('/some/before/path', (_, response) => {
         response.json({ custom: 'response-before' });

      // onAfterSetupMiddleware
        name: 'after-middleware',
        // `path` is optional
        path: '/some/after/path',
        middleware: (req, res) => {
          res.json({ custom: 'response-after' });

      // another after middleware
      middlewares.push((req, res) => {
        res.send('Hello World!');

      return middlewares;

I believe this should be the migration. /cc @alexander-akait

markcipolla commented 2 years ago

Thanks @snitin315 🙏🏻

How would you migrate a before and after block with server.use instead of server.get? e.g. the below:

before(app, server) {
      // Keep `evalSourceMapMiddleware` and `errorOverlayMiddleware`
      // middlewares before `redirectServedPath` otherwise will not have any effect
      // This lets us fetch source contents from webpack for the error overlay
      // This lets us open files from the runtime error overlay.

      if (fs.existsSync(paths.proxySetup)) {
        // This registers user provided middleware for proxy reasons
    after(app) {
      // Redirect to `PUBLIC_URL` or `homepage` from `package.json` if url not match

      // This service worker file is effectively a 'no-op' that will reset any
      // previous service worker registered for the same host:port combination.
      // We do this in development to avoid hitting the production cache if
      // it used the same host and port.
      // https://github.com/facebook/create-react-app/issues/2272#issuecomment-302832432
alexander-akait commented 2 years ago

middlewares is just array, put it before or after, as you work with arrays and return modified array

otakustay commented 2 years ago

Note that app.get(...) in onAfterSetupMiddleware is not the same as app.get(...) in setupMiddlewares.

It seems app.get() in setupMiddlewares are always applied before middlewares are applied, if we have a config like this:

    onAfterSetupMiddleware: server => {
        server.app.get('/__index__.html', (req, res) => res.send('foo'));
    config.historyApiFallback = {
        index: '/__index__.html',
        disableDotRule: true,

The route /__index__.html will take place for history api fallback, however if we changed it to this:

    setupMiddlewares: (middlewares, server) => {
        server.app.get('/__index__.html', (req, res) => res.send('foo'));
        return middlewares;
    config.historyApiFallback = {
        index: '/__index__.html',
        disableDotRule: true,

History api fallback are broken, we have to transform it into a middleware like:

    path: '/__index__.html',
    handler: (req, res, next) => {
        if (req.method === 'GET') {
        else {

In this way we have to add a request.method check in middleware implementation.

alexander-akait commented 2 years ago

Yes, it is good solution :+1:

coderXaj commented 2 years ago

(node:9304) [DEP_WEBPACK_DEV_SERVER_ON_AFTER_SETUP_MIDDLEWARE] DeprecationWarning: 'onAfterSetupMiddleware' option is deprecated. Please use the 'setupMiddlewares' option. (Use node --trace-deprecation ... to show where the warning was created) (node:9304) [DEP_WEBPACK_DEV_SERVER_ON_BEFORE_SETUP_MIDDLEWARE] DeprecationWarning: 'onBeforeSetupMiddleware' option is deprecated. Please use the 'setupMiddlewares' option.

Can any one please tell me how solve to this error my localhost is not opening after i get this error.

umair39 commented 2 years ago


module.exports = {
  devServer: {
    onAfterSetupMiddleware: function (devServer) {
      if (!devServer) {
        throw new Error('webpack-dev-server is not defined');

      devServer.app.get('/some/after/path', function (req, res) {
        res.json({ custom: 'response-after' });

    onBeforeSetupMiddleware: function (devServer) {
      if (!devServer) {
        throw new Error('webpack-dev-server is not defined');

      devServer.app.get('/some/before/path', function (req, res) {
        res.json({ custom: 'response-before' });


module.exports = {
  // ...
  devServer: {
    setupMiddlewares: (middlewares, devServer) => {
      if (!devServer) {
        throw new Error('webpack-dev-server is not defined');

       // onBeforeSetupMiddleware
      devServer.app.get('/some/before/path', (_, response) => {
         response.json({ custom: 'response-before' });

      // onAfterSetupMiddleware
        name: 'after-middleware',
        // `path` is optional
        path: '/some/after/path',
        middleware: (req, res) => {
          res.json({ custom: 'response-after' });

      // another after middleware
      middlewares.push((req, res) => {
        res.send('Hello World!');

      return middlewares;

I believe this should be the migration. /cc @alexander-akait

i am facing same issue how i use that code in node module files

umair39 commented 2 years ago

where i can find file to isert modified code

alexander-akait commented 2 years ago

webpack.config.js file

darkcohiba commented 2 years ago

@snitin315 I can not find where to replace the code with the updated segment, what is the module this goes in?

snitin315 commented 2 years ago

@darkcohiba inside webpack.config.js, devServer option to be specific.

darkcohiba commented 2 years ago

@snitin315 this is my webpack config js dev server, I don't see what I need to replace;

`// @remove-on-eject-begin /**

const fs = require('fs'); const evalSourceMapMiddleware = require('react-dev-utils/evalSourceMapMiddleware'); const noopServiceWorkerMiddleware = require('react-dev-utils/noopServiceWorkerMiddleware'); const ignoredFiles = require('react-dev-utils/ignoredFiles'); const redirectServedPath = require('react-dev-utils/redirectServedPathMiddleware'); const paths = require('./paths'); const getHttpsConfig = require('./getHttpsConfig');

const host = process.env.HOST || ''; const sockHost = process.env.WDS_SOCKET_HOST; const sockPath = process.env.WDS_SOCKET_PATH; // default: '/ws' const sockPort = process.env.WDS_SOCKET_PORT;

module.exports = function (proxy, allowedHost) { const disableFirewall = !proxy || process.env.DANGEROUSLY_DISABLE_HOST_CHECK === 'true'; return { // WebpackDevServer 2.4.3 introduced a security fix that prevents remote // websites from potentially accessing local content through DNS rebinding: // https://github.com/webpack/webpack-dev-server/issues/887 // https://medium.com/webpack/webpack-dev-server-middleware-security-issues-1489d950874a // However, it made several existing use cases such as development in cloud // environment or subdomains in development significantly more complicated: // https://github.com/facebook/create-react-app/issues/2271 // https://github.com/facebook/create-react-app/issues/2233 // While we're investigating better solutions, for now we will take a // compromise. Since our WDS configuration only serves files in the public // folder we won't consider accessing them a vulnerability. However, if you // use the proxy feature, it gets more dangerous because it can expose // remote code execution vulnerabilities in backends like Django and Rails. // So we will disable the host check normally, but enable it if you have // specified the proxy setting. Finally, we let you override it if you // really know what you're doing with a special environment variable. // Note: ["localhost", ".localhost"] will support subdomains - but we might // want to allow setting the allowedHosts manually for more complex setups allowedHosts: disableFirewall ? 'all' : [allowedHost], headers: { 'Access-Control-Allow-Origin': '', 'Access-Control-Allow-Methods': '', 'Access-Control-Allow-Headers': '*', }, // Enable gzip compression of generated files. compress: true, static: { // By default WebpackDevServer serves physical files from current directory // in addition to all the virtual build products that it serves from memory. // This is confusing because those files won’t automatically be available in // production build folder unless we copy them. However, copying the whole // project directory is dangerous because we may expose sensitive files. // Instead, we establish a convention that only files in public directory // get served. Our build script will copy public into the build folder. // In index.html, you can get URL of public folder with %PUBLIC_URL%: // // In JavaScript code, you can access it with process.env.PUBLIC_URL. // Note that we only recommend to use public folder as an escape hatch // for files like favicon.ico, manifest.json, and libraries that are // for some reason broken when imported through webpack. If you just want to // use an image, put it in src and import it from JavaScript instead. directory: paths.appPublic, publicPath: [paths.publicUrlOrPath], // By default files from contentBase will not trigger a page reload. watch: { // Reportedly, this avoids CPU overload on some systems. // https://github.com/facebook/create-react-app/issues/293 // src/node_modules is not ignored to support absolute imports // https://github.com/facebook/create-react-app/issues/1065 ignored: ignoredFiles(paths.appSrc), }, }, client: { webSocketURL: { // Enable custom sockjs pathname for websocket connection to hot reloading server. // Enable custom sockjs hostname, pathname and port for websocket connection // to hot reloading server. hostname: sockHost, pathname: sockPath, port: sockPort, }, overlay: { errors: true, warnings: false, }, }, devMiddleware: { // It is important to tell WebpackDevServer to use the same "publicPath" path as // we specified in the webpack config. When homepage is '.', default to serving // from the root. // remove last slash so user can land on /test instead of /test/ publicPath: paths.publicUrlOrPath.slice(0, -1), },

https: getHttpsConfig(),
historyApiFallback: {
  // Paths with dots should still use the history fallback.
  // See https://github.com/facebook/create-react-app/issues/387.
  disableDotRule: true,
  index: paths.publicUrlOrPath,
// `proxy` is run between `before` and `after` `webpack-dev-server` hooks
onBeforeSetupMiddleware(devServer) {
  // Keep `evalSourceMapMiddleware`
  // middlewares before `redirectServedPath` otherwise will not have any effect
  // This lets us fetch source contents from webpack for the error overlay

  if (fs.existsSync(paths.proxySetup)) {
    // This registers user provided middleware for proxy reasons
onAfterSetupMiddleware(devServer) {
  // Redirect to `PUBLIC_URL` or `homepage` from `package.json` if url not match

  // This service worker file is effectively a 'no-op' that will reset any
  // previous service worker registered for the same host:port combination.
  // We do this in development to avoid hitting the production cache if
  // it used the same host and port.
  // https://github.com/facebook/create-react-app/issues/2272#issuecomment-302832432

}; }; `

alielachkar commented 6 months ago

@snitin315 I don't think the question to migrate onBeforeSetupMiddleware with use instead of get has been answered. How would migrate something like this?

 onBeforeSetupMiddleware: function (devServer) {
            devServer.app.use(function(req, res, next) {
                res.setHeader('Access-Control-Allow-Origin', '*');
                res.setHeader('Access-Control-Allow-Methods', 'GET, POST, PUT, DELETE');
                res.setHeader('Access-Control-Allow-Headers', 'Content-Type, Authorization');

I tried using unshift as mentioned in the DevServer documentation, but without success.

alielachkar commented 6 months ago

FIgured it out! return wasn't necessary in onBeforeSetupMiddleware, but it is with setupMiddlewares

        setupMiddlewares: function (middlewares) {
            middlewares.unshift(function(req, res, next) {
                res.setHeader('Access-Control-Allow-Origin', '*');
                res.setHeader('Access-Control-Allow-Methods', 'GET, POST, PUT, DELETE');
                res.setHeader('Access-Control-Allow-Headers', 'Content-Type, Authorization');
            return middlewares;