Browsertrix is the hosted, high-fidelity, browser-based crawling service from Webrecorder designed to make web archiving easier and more accessible for all!
[x] Need check to see if last crawl is currently running, prevent starting new crawl
[x] API should include a bool to indicate if can start a new crawl.
Some questions:
Do we want to show the raw JSON, even for standard-created configs, and/or only for advanced?
Do we need to track if it was a 'standard' created via UI or custom config created through raw JSON, eg. for duplication? Or can we detect this heuristically (eg. if json has more properties than supported by standard config, use the JSON view)
Current view provides nice way to show advanced config (full JSON) as well as parses out the basic settings.
Seems questions are answered, and this is done!
The list view crawl config should show:
The crawl config detail view can show:
Some questions: