webrtcftw / goals

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Dev support channels #2

Open ike opened 9 years ago

ike commented 9 years ago

Currently there isn't a great place to ask support questions for web developers getting into WebRTC. There's #webrtc on IRC, which seems sporadic and spammy (from my limited lurking), Discuss WebRTC, which is fairly browser focused (and also Google Groups, really?), and a few others. Not a super great landscape for someone who's just starting out.

Let's pick something, and use that as a go-to support channel for new WebRTC developers.


sockdrawermoney commented 9 years ago

@bear set up gitter.im for this channel and that might be a good thing to use for this.

Based on experience with Ampersand.js, we've seen using gitter has gotten more engagement than the IRC room we were using prior. It's really helped that community grow a lot in just a few months.

fippo commented 9 years ago

webrtc on freenode is not spammy. There are a few google-people hanging out there (and some mozilla folks) but i've rarely seen them answering questions.

Most questions there are easily answered by pointing to the right chrome demos, some of @samdutton's html5rocks articles etc

bear commented 9 years ago

k, the gitter.im channel is setup and it's marked as Public


I've added the link to the WebRTCFTW GitHub Org description

fippo commented 9 years ago

uhm... I somewhat disagree with "use gitter as dev channel".

webrtc on freenode is where people hang out and go to currently.

sockdrawermoney commented 9 years ago

I definitely think it's worth keeping this open and seeing more discussion.