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Proposed web API attributes for moving objects & sensor data #3

Open rjksmith opened 3 years ago

rjksmith commented 3 years ago


OGC Testbed-16 Full Motion Video to Moving Features work has highlighted the benefits of exporting embedded (in-band) video metadata to linked (out-of-band) files for web access using Web Video Map Tracks (WebVMT), including the need for a web API for moving objects & sensors.


Given that data for moving objects can be sampled and interpolated sufficiently to synchronise with video, how best should moving object & sensor data be accessed on the web?


Which attributes would be:

Moving Objects

A moving object is defined as an identified object associated with a sequence of timed geolocations.

Simple, common attributes for moving objects are:

  1. Distance travelled;
  2. Speed;
  3. Heading.

Useful speed attributes may include:

Moving objects with accelerometers and gyroscopes can measure impacts and rotations. Are there sufficient use cases to justify their inclusion, given that these values may not be available for all instances, and are the calculations involved sufficiently lightweight for resource-limited devices?

Sensor Data

A sensor is defined as an identified object associated with a sequence of timed observations.

Simple, common attributes for sensor data are:

  1. Type - e.g. number, string, boolean, object, array;
  2. Numeric range - min & max (for number);
  3. Measurement units - string;
  4. Description - string (for discoverability).

Useful numeric attributes may include:

Should guidance be given on preferred measurement units, e.g. SI units, or should this field be limited to a list of options? Should guidance be given on syntax for description, e.g. including keywords from a list of options?