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Encoding error in `gwdd` install into MySQL on Python 3 #674

Closed ethanwhite closed 7 years ago

ethanwhite commented 7 years ago

Doesn't occur for other engines.

ethan@gandalf:~$ retriever install mysql gwdd -u root -p bats1e
=> Installing Zanne et al. Global wood density database.
Creating database GWDD...
Creating table GWDD.data...
Progress: 16468 / 16468 rows inserted into GWDD.data: 

Creating table GWDD.reference...
INSERT INTO GWDD.reference (reference_number, reference) VALUES  (1, 'A.T.I.B.S. 1975. Nomenclature General Des Bois Tropicaux. Nogent-Sur-Marne, France.'), (2, 'Acevedo Mallque, M. And Kikata, Y. 1994. Atlas Of Peruvian Woods. Universidad Nacional Agraria, La Molina, Peru And Nagoya University, Japan. 202 Pp.'), (3, 'Ackerly, D.D. 2004. Functional Strategies Of Chaparral Shrubs In Relation To Seasonal Water Deficit And Disturbance. Ecological Monographs 74:25-44.'), (4, 'Agroforestry Tree Database, Icraf, Forestry Compendium, Cab International. Url: Http://Www.Worldagroforestrycentre.Org/Sea/Products/Afdbases/Af/Index.Asp.'), (5, 'Agroforestry Tree Database, Icraf, Forestry Compendium, Cab International. Url: Http://Www.Worldagroforestrycentre.Org/Sea/Products/Afdbases/Af/Index.Asp.'), (6, 'Alden, H. 1995. Hardwoods Of North America. United States Department Of Agriculture, Forest Service, Forest Products Laboratory. Gen. Tech. Report Fpl-Gtr-83. 136 Pp. Http://Www2.Fpl.Fs.Fed.Us/Techsheets/Hardwood.Html'), (7, 'Alden, H. 1997. Softwoods Of North America. United States Department Of Agriculture, Forest Service, Forest Products Laboratory. Gen. Tech. Report Fpl-Gtr-102. 151 Pp. Http://Www2.Fpl.Fs.Fed.Us/Techsheets/Softwood.Html'), (8, 'Alden, H.A. 1996. Lesser Known Woods. Wood Technical Fact Sheet. U.S. Department Of Agriculture, Forest Service, Forest Products Laboratory. Http://Www2.Fpl.Fs.Fed.Us/Techsheets/Lesserknownwoods.Html'), (9, 'Alston, A.S. 1982. Timbers Of Fiji: Properties And Potential Uses. Department Of Forestry, Suva, Fiji. 183 Pp.'), (10, 'Alston, A.S. 1986. Timbers Of Fiji. Properties And Potential Uses. Department Of Forestry, Suva Fiji. 183 Pp.'), (11, 'Altamirano, V., And Rico, R.L. 1992. Maderas De Bolivia: Caracteristicas Y Usos De 55 Maderas Tropicales. Camara Nacional Forestal, Santa Cruz, Bolivia.'), (12, 'Amorim, L.C. 1991. Variação Da Densidade Basica No Sentido Radial Em Madeiras Tropicais Da Amazônia. Relatorio Final Periodo Abril 90: Março 91. Inpa, Manaus, Am 24 Pp. In Fearnside, P. M. 1997. Wood Density For Estimating Forest Biomass In Brazilian Amazonia. Forest Ecology And Management 90: 59-87.'), (13, 'Anonymous. 1971. Inventaire Forestier Des Terres Basses Du Versant Occidental Des Monts Cardamones Cambooge. Confidential Fao Technical Report No. 6, Fo:Sf/Cam 6., Rome, Italy.'), (14, 'Anonymous. 1974. Standard Nomenclature Of Forest Plants, Burma, Including Commercial Timbers. Forest Research And Training Circle, Forest Department, Burma. 121 Pp.'), (15, 'Anonymous. 1979. La Amazonia Colombiana Y Sus Recursos. Proyecto Radargrametrico De Amazonas. Igac, Bogota. By H Ter Steege.'), (16, 'Anonymous. 1981. Mengenal Sifat-Sifat Kayu Indonesia Dan Penggunaannya. Penerbit Kanisius. Isbn 979-413-106-7.'), (17, 'Anonymous. 1990. Nomenclature Of Commercial Timbers, Including Sources Of Supply. (Revision Of Bs 881 And 589: 1974). British Standards Association, London, England.'), (18, 'Arostegui V., A. 1976. Características Tecnológicas Y Usos De La Madera De 145 Especies Del País. 483 Pp.'), (19, 'Arostegui V., A. 1982. Recopilacion Y Analysis De Estudios Tecnologicos De Maderas Peruanas. Lima. 57 Pp.'), (20, 'Arostegui, A. 1982. Recopilacion Y Analisis De Estudios Tecnologicos De Maderas Peruanas. Documento De Trabajo No. 2. Proyecto Pnud/Fao/Per/81/002 Fortalecimiento De Los Programas De Desarrollo Forestal En Selva Central, Lima. By T Baker.'), (21, 'Arostegui, A. And Sobral Filho, M. 1986. Usos De Las Maderas Del Bosque Humedo Tropical Colonia Angamos Rio Yavari Y Jenaro Herrera, Investigaciones Tecnologicas 1:2, Instituto De Investigaciones De La Amazonia Peruana, Iquitos By T Baker.'), (22, 'Arostegui, A. And Valderamma, F. 1986. Usos De Las Maderas Del Bosque Humedo Tropical Allpahuayo-Iquitos. 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Centre Technique Forestier Tropical, Nogent-Sur-Marne, 640 Pp.'), (46, 'Dimitri, M.J. And Biloni, J.S. 1973. Libro Del Árbol. Tomo 1. Esencias Forestales Indígenas De La Argentina De Aplicación Ornamental. Editorial Celulosa Argentina; S.A. Leonardis R.F.J. 1975. Libro Del Árbol. Tomo 2. Esencias Forestales Indígenas De La Argentina De Aplicación Industrial. Editorial Celulosa Argentina S. A.'), (47, 'Do Nascimento, C.C., 1993. Variabilidade Da Densidade Basica E De Propriedades Mecanicas De Madeiras Da Amazonia. Masters Thesis In Forestry Sciences, Universidade De S╩O Paulo, Escola Superior De Agricultura \'Luiz De Queiroz\', Piracicaba, Sp Brazil, 129.'), (48, 'Easdale, T. - Universidad Tucuman, Unpublished Data.'), (49, 'Echenique Manrique, R. 1971. Caracteristicas De La Madera Y Su Uso En La Construccion. Camara Nacional De La Industria De La Construccion, Mexico, D.F., 173 Pp.'), (50, 'Echenique-Manrique, R. And Diaz Gomez, V. 1969. 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'latin-1' codec can't encode character '\u2563' in position 4071: ordinal not in range(256)
ethanwhite commented 7 years ago

Fixed by #740.