weitong8591 / differentiable_ransac

PyTorch Implementation of the ICCV 2023 paper: Generalized Differentiable RANSAC ($\nabla$-RANSAC).
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Generalized Differentiable RANSAC (nabla-RANSAC)

:newspaper: PyTorch Implementation of the ICCV 2023 paper: Generalized Differentiable RANSAC ($\nabla$-RANSAC).

Tong Wei, Yash Patel, Alexander Shekhovtsov, Jiri Matas and Daniel Barath.

| paper | poster | arxiv | diff_ransac_models | diff_ransac_data for E/F | 3d_match_data | Ransac-tutorial-data


[2023.10. Solvers in Kornia] Our implemented 5PC solver for essential matrix estimation is integrated in [Kornia](https://github.com/kornia/kornia)! Install it from source by ``` $ pip install git+https://github.com/kornia/kornia ``` An example of importing 5PC from [Kornia](https://github.com/kornia/kornia) is shown [here](kornia_5pc_example.ipynb).

Implementations and Environments

Here are the required packages,

python = 3.7.11
pytorch = 1.12.1
opencv = 3.4.2
tensorboardX = 2.2

or try with conda create --name <env> --file requirements.txt


The SOTA results are tested from our method intergrated in MAGSAC++, install it in Python as follows.

$ git clone https://github.com/weitong8591/magsac.git --recursive
$ cd magsac
$ mkdir build
$ cd build
$ cmake ..
$ make
$ cd ..
$ python setup.py install

Note that the proposed Gumbel Softmax Sampler is actiavted by sampler=3.


Download the pretrained models we provide here, and test them as follows.

[Two-view epipolar geometry estimation] Download the RootSIFT features of PhotoTourism from [here](https://cmp.felk.cvut.cz/~weitong/nabla_ransac/diff_ransac_data.zip), and run ``` $ python test_magsac.py -nf 2000 -m pretrained_models/saved_model_5PC_l_epi/model.net -bs 32 -fmat 0 -sam 1 -bm 1 -t 2 -pth <> ``` add ```-fmat 1 ``` to activate fundamental matrix estimation; use ```-ds ``` instead of ```-bm 1``` to test on a specific scene. AUC scores thresholded at [5, 10, 20] are compared for E estimation, F1 scores and median epipolar errors are the evluation metrics for F estimation. Note: SuperPoint+SuperGlue features on ScanNet are coming soon.
[3D point cloud registration] Download the 3DMatch and 3DLoMatch data from [here](https://cmp.felk.cvut.cz/~weitong/nabla_ransac/3d_match_data.zip), and run ``` $ python test_magsac_point.py -m diff_ransac_models/point_model.net -d cpu -us 0 -max 50000 -pth <> ``` The evaluation metrics refer to [registration](registration_utils.py) and [utils](geotransformer/utils/pointcloud.py) in [GeoTransformer](https://arxiv.org/pdf/2202.06688.pdf).
[Learned robust feature matching] Download the images, camera intrinsics and extrinsics of PhotoTourism from [here](http://cmp.felk.cvut.cz/~mishkdmy/CVPR-RANSAC-Tutorial-2020/RANSAC-Tutorial-Data-EF.tar), and test with three protocols (-ransac): 0-OpenCV-RANSAC; 0-OpenCV-MAGSAC; 2-MAGSAC++ with PROSAC. ``` $ python test_ransac_loftr.py -nf 2000 -tr 1 -bs 1 -lr 0.000001 -t 3. -sam 3 -fmat 1 -sid loftr -m2 diff_ransac_models/loftr_model.pth -pth <> ```


[Two-view epipolar geometry estimation] Train a importance score prediction model (eg, CLNet backbone, predicting importance score for each input tentative correspondences) with $\nabla$-RANSAC end to end. ``` $ python train.py -nf 2000 -m pretrained_models/weights_init_net_3_sampler_0_epoch_1000_E_rs_r0.80_t0.00_w1_1.00_.net -bs 32 -fmat 0 -sam 2 -tr 1 -w2 1 -t 0.75 -pth <> ``` Notes: the [initilized weights](pretrained_models/weights_init_net_3_sampler_0_epoch_1000_E_rs_r0.80_t0.00_w1_1.00_.net) are applied; 5PC is used for essential matrix estimation (-sam 2 -fmat 0); 7PC (-sam 2 -fmat 1) and 8PC (-sam 3 -fmat 1) can be used for F estimation. In terms of training loss, -w2 (mean epipolar errors) works the best in terms of AUC scores, however, using the linear combination of the classification loss (-w1 1) with -w2 as objective leads to more normal learning performance (always downward trend, but lower AUC scores in the inference). The epipolar loss (w2) is not stable in different training trials. The train/valid data is updated to split off-line, the training image pair list and train-val data of St. Peters Square are avaiable [here](https://cmp.felk.cvut.cz/~weitong/nabla_ransac/train_valid_st_peters_square.zip).
[3D point cloud registration] Train a importance score prediction model (eg, CLNet backbone, predicting importance score for each input tentative correspondences) with $\nabla$-RANSAC end to end for point cloud registration. Rigid transformation slover is implemented. 3DMatch train/val dataset is used, ``` $ python train_point.py -nf 2000 -sam 2 -tr 1 -t 0.75 -pth <> ```
[Learning Robust Feature Matching] End-to-end training of feature matcher(eg, LoFTR) with $\nabla$-RANSAC to improve the predictions of matches and confidences. Download 'outdoor_ds.ckpt' within diff_ransac_models and download [loftr package](https://cmp.felk.cvut.cz/~weitong/nabla_ransac/loftr.zip). ``` $ python train_ransac_loftr.py -nf 2000 -tr 1 -bs 1 -lr 1e-6 -t 0.75 -sam 3 -fmat 1 -w2 1 -sid loftr -e 50 -p 0 -topk 1 -m2 diff_ransac_models/outdoor_ds.ckpt -pth RANSAC-Tutorial-Data/train/ ```

Demo test

test E estimation on one scene without local optimiztion, no installation of MAGSAC++ needed.

$ python test.py -nf 2000 -m pretrained_models/saved_model_5PC_l_epi/model.net -bs 32 -fmat 1 -sam 3 -ds sacre_coeur -t 2 -pth <data_path>


[Useful parameters] ``` -pth: the source path of all datasets -sam: samplers, 0 - Uniform sampler, 1,2 - Gumbel Sampler for 5PC/7PC, 3 - Gumbel Sampler for 8PC, default=0 -w0, -w1, -w2: coefficients of different loss combination, L pose, L classification, L essential -fmat: 0 - E, 1 - F, default=0 -lr learning rate, default=1e-4 -t: threshold, default=0.75 -e: epochs, default=10 -bs: batch size, default=32 -rbs: batch size of RANSAC iterations, default=64 -tr: train or test mode, default=0 -nf: number of features, default=2000 -m: pretrained model or trained model -snn: the threshold of SNN ratio filter -ds dataset, single dataset -bm in batch mode, using all the 12 testing scenes defined in utils.py -p probabilities, 0-normalized weights, 1-unnormarlized weights, 2-logits, default=2, -topk: whether to get the loss averaged on the topk models or all. -sch: 0 - no learning rate scheduler used, 1 use scheduler from lr to eta_min, default=0. -eta_min: float, the low bound for lr scheduler. ```
[Referred code] The minimal solvers, model scoring functions, local optimization, etc. are re-implemented in PyTorch referring to [MAGSAC](https://github.com/danini/magsac). Also, thanks to the public repo of [CLNet](https://github.com/sailor-z/CLNet), [NG-RANSAC](https://github.com/vislearn/ngransac), and the libraries of [PyTorch](https://pytorch.org/get-started/previous-versions/), [Kornia](https://github.com/kornia/kornia).


More details are covered in our paper and feel free to cite it if useful:

  title={Generalized differentiable RANSAC},
  author={Wei, Tong and Patel, Yash and Shekhovtsov, Alexander and Matas, Jiri and Barath, Daniel},

Contact me at weitongln@gmail.com