wentaozhu / DeepLung

WACV18 paper "DeepLung: Deep 3D Dual Path Nets for Automated Pulmonary Nodule Detection and Classification"
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What is the meaning of "maxeps" ? #85

Closed tricoffee closed 5 years ago

tricoffee commented 5 years ago

What is the meaning of "maxeps" in this file DeepLung/evaluationScript/noduleCADEvaluationLUNA16.py ?

wentaozhu commented 5 years ago

It is the number of epochs in the training https://github.com/wentaozhu/DeepLung/blob/master/run_training.sh

tricoffee commented 5 years ago

It is the number of epochs in the training https://github.com/wentaozhu/DeepLung/blob/master/run_training.sh

What is the significance of calculating FROC for multiple epochs ? What is the meaning of "frocarr" ? What is Average FROC ?

wentaozhu commented 5 years ago

Please read the papers Deeplung: 3d deep convolutional nets for automated pulmonary nodule detection and classification, WACV18 DeepEM: Deep 3D ConvNets With EM For Weakly Supervised Pulmonary Nodule Detection, MICCAI18