wenzhixin / bootstrap-table

An extended table to integration with some of the most widely used CSS frameworks. (Supports Bootstrap, Semantic UI, Bulma, Material Design, Foundation, Vue.js)
MIT License
11.73k stars 4.44k forks source link

npm run build ERROR: "lint:css" exit #6227

Closed idreamsoft closed 2 years ago

idreamsoft commented 2 years ago


npm run build

bootstrap-table@1.20.2 build run-s lint clean *:build

bootstrap-table@1.20.2 lint run-s lint:*

bootstrap-table@1.20.2 lint:js eslint src

bootstrap-table@1.20.2 lint:css stylelint src/*/.scss

D:\code\bootstrap-table\src\bootstrap-table.scss: When linting something other than CSS, you should install an appropriate syntax, e.g. "postcss-scss", and use the "customSyntax" option D:\code\bootstrap-table\src\themes_theme.scss: When linting something other than CSS, you should install an appropriate syntax, e.g. "postcss-scss", and use the "customSyntax" option D:\code\bootstrap-table\src\themes\bootstrap-table\bootstrap-table.scss: When linting something other than CSS, you should install an appropriate syntax, e.g. "postcss-scss", and use the "customSyntax" option D:\code\bootstrap-table\src\themes\bulma_variables.scss: When linting something other than CSS, you should install an appropriate syntax, e.g. "postcss-scss", and use the "customSyntax" option D:\code\bootstrap-table\src\themes\bootstrap_variables.scss: When linting something other than CSS, you should install an appropriate syntax, e.g. "postcss-scss", and use the "customSyntax" option D:\code\bootstrap-table\src\themes\foundation\bootstrap-table-foundation.scss: When linting something other than CSS, you should install an appropriate syntax, e.g. "postcss-scss", and use the "customSyntax" option D:\code\bootstrap-table\src\themes\bootstrap-table_font.scss: When linting something other than CSS, you should install an appropriate syntax, e.g. "postcss-scss", and use the "customSyntax" option D:\code\bootstrap-table\src\themes\bulma\bootstrap-table-bulma.scss: When linting something other than CSS, you should install an appropriate syntax, e.g. "postcss-scss", and use the "customSyntax" option D:\code\bootstrap-table\src\themes\foundation_variables.scss: When linting something other than CSS, you should install an appropriate syntax, e.g. "postcss-scss", and use the "customSyntax" option D:\code\bootstrap-table\src\themes\bootstrap-table_variables.scss: When linting something other than CSS, you should install an appropriate syntax, e.g. "postcss-scss", and use the "customSyntax" option D:\code\bootstrap-table\src\themes\semantic_variables.scss: When linting something other than CSS, you should install an appropriate syntax, e.g. "postcss-scss", and use the "customSyntax" option D:\code\bootstrap-table\src\themes\materialize\bootstrap-table-materialize.scss: When linting something other than CSS, you should install an appropriate syntax, e.g. "postcss-scss", and use the "customSyntax" option D:\code\bootstrap-table\src\themes\materialize_variables.scss: When linting something other than CSS, you should install an appropriate syntax, e.g. "postcss-scss", and use the "customSyntax" option D:\code\bootstrap-table\src\themes\semantic\bootstrap-table-semantic.scss: When linting something other than CSS, you should install an appropriate syntax, e.g. "postcss-scss", and use the "customSyntax" option D:\code\bootstrap-table\src\extensions\filter-control\bootstrap-table-filter-control.scss: When linting something other than CSS, you should install an appropriate syntax, e.g. "postcss-scss", and use the "customSyntax" option D:\code\bootstrap-table\src\extensions\fixed-columns\bootstrap-table-fixed-columns.scss: When linting something other than CSS, you should install an appropriate syntax, e.g. "postcss-scss", and use the "customSyntax" option D:\code\bootstrap-table\src\extensions\reorder-rows\bootstrap-table-reorder-rows.scss: When linting something other than CSS, you should install an appropriate syntax, e.g. "postcss-scss", and use the "customSyntax" option D:\code\bootstrap-table\src\extensions\group-by-v2\bootstrap-table-group-by.scss: When linting something other than CSS, you should install an appropriate syntax, e.g. "postcss-scss", and use the "customSyntax" option D:\code\bootstrap-table\src\extensions\sticky-header\bootstrap-table-sticky-header.scss: When linting something other than CSS, you should install an appropriate syntax, e.g. "postcss-scss", and use the "customSyntax" option D:\code\bootstrap-table\src\extensions\page-jump-to\bootstrap-table-page-jump-to.scss: When linting something other than CSS, you should install an appropriate syntax, e.g. "postcss-scss", and use the "customSyntax" option

src/themes/bootstrap-table/bootstrap-table.scss 32:25 ✖ Unexpected unknown function "darken" function-no-unknown 58:14 ✖ Unexpected unknown function "darken" function-no-unknown 149:5 ✖ Unexpected duplicate "box-shadow" declaration-block-no-duplicate-properties 242:22 ✖ Expected "1.428571429" to be "1.4286" number-max-precision 250:27 ✖ Unexpected unknown function "darken" function-no-unknown

src/themes/bootstrap-table/_variables.scss 7:4 ✖ Unknown word CssSyntaxError

src/themes/foundation/bootstrap-table-foundation.scss 64:20 ✖ Expected "1.428571429" to be "1.4286" number-max-precision

src/themes/materialize/bootstrap-table-materialize.scss 62:20 ✖ Expected "1.428571429" to be "1.4286" number-max-precision

src/themes/semantic/bootstrap-table-semantic.scss 13:32 ✖ Expected "0.28571429" to be "0.2857" number-max-precision 14:33 ✖ Expected "0.28571429" to be "0.2857" number-max-precision 27:20 ✖ Expected "0.60714286" to be "0.6071" number-max-precision 28:23 ✖ Expected "0.60714286" to be "0.6071" number-max-precision 41:32 ✖ Expected "0.285714" to be "0.2857" number-max-precision 42:35 ✖ Expected "0.28571429" to be "0.2857" number-max-precision

src/extensions/group-by-v2/bootstrap-table-group-by.scss 1:37 ✖ Expected class selector to be kebab-case selector-class-pattern 2:37 ✖ Expected class selector to be kebab-case selector-class-pattern

src/extensions/reorder-rows/bootstrap-table-reorder-rows.scss 1:1 ✖ Expected class selector to be kebab-case selector-class-pattern 9:1 ✖ Expected class selector to be kebab-case selector-class-pattern

ERROR: "lint:css" exited with 2. ERROR: "lint" exited with 1.

Google hasn't found a solution for a long time!

postcss-scss is already installed


No response

idreamsoft commented 2 years ago

.\bootstrap-table.stylelintrc Change to

  "extends": "stylelint-config-standard",
  "customSyntax": "postcss-scss",
  "rules": {
    "number-max-precision": null,
    "indentation": null,
    "selector-pseudo-element-colon-notation": null,
    "function-comma-space-after": null,
    "no-descending-specificity": null,
    "declaration-bang-space-before": null,
    "number-leading-zero": null,
    "rule-empty-line-before": null,
    "selector-class-pattern": null

It's normal.