wesabe / ssu

Server-Side Uploader, the data aggregation engine.
Apache License 2.0
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Bootstrap #9

Closed zenrook closed 12 years ago

zenrook commented 12 years ago

I am a beginner when I comes to Linux. When I run ./bootstrap I get the You don't have Ruby installed, however when I run Ruby -v I get ruby 1.8.7, so what am I supposed to install?

zenrook commented 12 years ago

I've just ran through the DYI instructions on wesabe/mesabe/DYI and then downloaded the SSU portion. And was following the instructions to the step ./bootstrap I get this error:

Usage: /usr/bin/which [-a] args Illegal option -s Usage: /usr/bin/which [-a] args -> You don't have Ruby installed. While you don't need it for production, you will need it to use the development tools provided in this package. Please install it and run ./bootstrap again.

zenrook commented 12 years ago

Ok it would help if I would read. For Mac Only: ./bootstrap.