whatawurst / android_device_sony_yoshino-common

This is the Android device configuration for the yoshino platform
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Audio playback stops at the end of the current track #115

Closed petefoth closed 4 weeks ago

petefoth commented 4 weeks ago

Playing a music track via any music player [^1], playback stops at the end of the track being played. The next track in the queue has to be manually started, instead of playing automatically.

This is a known bug in LineageOS in several devices [^2], and is easily fixable

I have reproduced the issue, and applied the adb fix on recent los4microG builds for lilac & poplar_dsds

The file to change for yoshino devices is vendor.prop

[^1]: I have reproduced using Vanilla Music, Fossify Music Player, Auxio [^2]: gts4lv devices, sdm845-common devices [^3]: here & here

derfelot commented 4 weeks ago

Thanks, added the change with https://github.com/whatawurst/android_device_sony_yoshino-common/commit/38ab9639f8517c6b44b0b1728177bfa354449987 (didn't actually build and test).

petefoth commented 4 weeks ago

Thanks I'll make some los4microg builds