widgetti / solara

A Pure Python, React-style Framework for Scaling Your Jupyter and Web Apps
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Complex Layout with multiple "set of children" #870

Open JovanVeljanoski opened 5 days ago

JovanVeljanoski commented 5 days ago


I need to create a more complex layout, that requires passing different children (component) to different parts (components) of the layout. I have made this simple pycafe example illustrating what my intention is: I want to pass a component to the "Left" part of the layout, and a different component to the "right" part of the Layout.

Here is the pycafe example

Currently, the component passed to the layout is used in both the "Left" and "Right" side of the layout. I would like essentially to be able to pass (in whatever way) the Left and Right component to be on the same page.

What I tried:

My current understanding (looking at the Layout documentation and the few layout implementations of solara) is that there is a single Div (child?) that is passed to the layout. Is there a way we can interface to that, or otherwise intercept it to allow for different type of input (say multiple components?).

I hope the question is clear, if not I would be happy to elaborate. Thank you!!

JovanVeljanoski commented 4 days ago

Hi again,

After some digging into the solara repo, I have two potential approaches, on how proceed with the question above:

  1. NoLayout + Fully custom "Wrapper" Layout component. This is inspired by the layout howto in the documentation. There we learn that we can.. kind of "erase" the layout by simple having the following as a layout:
def Layout(children=[]):
    # there will only be 1 child, which is the Page()
    return children[0]

Then we could define a custom "Wrapper" component, something like

WrapperLayout(side_panel=None, main_panel=None):

The above would define the whole layout. Then we can just pass components do this wrapper component, and combined with the "empty" layout above, it should do the trick.

I am not sure if this approach is valid.. At first I thought that there is another "layer" through with the WrapperLayout will pass through, (the "no" Layout defined above), and I do not know (have not checked yet) if that will interfere with styling and the like (as I am doing quite some heavy styling on.. everything).

  1. Steal the idea behind AppLayout. This.. well I don't quite understand it, but I essentially followed what is done here.

More easily shown as a pycafe example

What I do not like about this.. is well I do not quite understand how it works, and whether it is an appropriate approach to be used with many routes and many simultanious users. But I "understand" it enough to adopt it for my usecase and make a "complex" layout that can be filled with various components (which was the original quest).

I would very much appreciate some pointers in which of the two approaches above is recommended for use with solara (if any!), or and I approaching this in an entirely wrong manner.

Thank you - I hope this makes sense.

P.S.: As I said, I do not understand this ElementPortal thing.. but if it does what I think it does .. - super cool!! (provided it is stable to be (ab)used).